# A python module that make calculation on HdbData and create calculated attribute
# Input data value: [s,us,type,val]
# s = numer of second since epoch
# us = micro second
# type = HdbType (see org.tango.jhdb.HdbSigInfo)
# val = value (double, double array or string accroding to type, all nummerical type are converted to double)
from HDBViewer import PyHDBInterface
class PyHDBInterface(PyHDBInterface):
def __init__(self, nb, data):
# Input parameters
self.nb = nb # number of attributes
self.data = data # Attribute data [["Att1",length,[s,us,type,val],[s,us,type,val],...],["Att2",...]
# Check input data
if nb != 2:
raise Exception("Invalid input argument")
length1 = data[0][1]
length2 = data[1][1]
if length1 != length2:
raise Exception("Length must be equal")
self.length = length1
def getResult(self):
# Build output (formatted as input)
# make the sum of the 2 input attributes
sum = ["Sum",self.length]
for i in range(0,self.length):
t0 = self.data[0][2+i][0]
us = self.data[0][2+i][1]
_type = self.data[0][2+i][2]
sval = self.data[0][2+i][3] + self.data[1][2+i][3]
val = [t0,us,_type,sval]
output = [sum]
return output
Link to HDB java doc: