Database API¶
¶ Database is the high level Tango object which contains the link to the static database. Database provides methods for all database commands : get_device_property(), put_device_property(), info(), etc.. To create a Database, use the default constructor. Example:
db = Database()
The constructor uses the TANGO_HOST env. variable to determine which instance of the Database to connect to.
(self, dev_info) → None¶ Add a device to the database. The device name, server and class are specified in the DbDevInfo structure
Example: dev_info = DbDevInfo() = 'my/own/device' dev_info._class = 'MyDevice' dev_info.server = 'MyServer/test' db.add_device(dev_info)
Parameters: dev_info: ( DbDevInfo
) device informationReturn: None
(self, servname, dev_info, with_dserver=False) → None¶ Add a (group of) devices to the database. This is considered as a low level call because it may render the database inconsistent if it is not used properly.
If with_dserver parameter is set to False (default), this call will only register the given dev_info(s). You should include in the list of dev_info an entry to the usually hidden DServer device.
If with_dserver parameter is set to True, the call will add an additional DServer device if it is not included in the dev_info parameter.
Example using with_dserver=True:
dev_info1 = DbDevInfo() = 'my/own/device' dev_info1._class = 'MyDevice' dev_info1.server = 'MyServer/test' db.add_server(dev_info1.server, dev_info, with_dserver=True)
Same example using with_dserver=False:
dev_info1 = DbDevInfo() = 'my/own/device' dev_info1._class = 'MyDevice' dev_info1.server = 'MyServer/test' dev_info2 = DbDevInfo() = 'dserver/' + dev_info1.server dev_info1._class = 'DServer dev_info1.server = dev_info1.server dev_info = dev_info1, dev_info2 db.add_server(dev_info1.server, dev_info)
New in version 8.1.7: added with_dserver parameter
Parameters: servname: ( str
) server namedev_info: (sequence<DbDevInfo> | DbDevInfos | DbDevInfo) containing the server device(s) information with_dserver: ( bool
) whether or not to auto create DServer device in serverReturn: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self) → None¶ - Tries to build a connection to the Database server.
Parameters: None Return: None New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, dev_name) → AccessControlType¶ - Check the access for the given device for this client.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: the access control type as a AccessControlType object
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, tango_host_env) → None¶ - Check the TANGO_HOST environment variable syntax and extract database server host(s) and port(s) from it.
Parameters: tango_host_env: ( str
) The TANGO_HOST env. variable valueReturn: None
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, alias) → None¶ - Remove the alias associated to an attribute name.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) aliasReturn: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, class_name, value) → None¶ - Delete a list of attribute properties for the specified class.
Parameters: class_name: (
) class namepropnames: can be one of the following:
- DbData [in] - several property data to be deleted
- sequence<str> [in]- several property data to be deleted
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be deleted
- dict<str, seq<str>> keys are attribute names and value being a list of attribute property names
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, class_name, value) → None¶ - Delete a the given of properties for the specified class.
Parameters: class_name: (
) class namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single property data to be deleted
- DbDatum [in] - single property data to be deleted
- DbData [in] - several property data to be deleted
- sequence<str> [in]- several property data to be deleted
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be deleted
- dict<str, obj> [in] - keys are property names to be deleted (values are ignored)
- dict<str, DbDatum> [in] - several are property names to be deleted (keys are ignored)
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name) → None¶ - Delete the device of the specified name from the database.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: None
(self, alias) → void¶ - Delete a device alias
Parameters: alias: ( str
) alias nameReturn: None
(self, dev_name, value) → None¶ - Delete a list of attribute properties for the specified device.
Parameters: devname: ( string
) device namepropnames: can be one of the following: 1. DbData [in] - several property data to be deleted 2. sequence<str> [in]- several property data to be deleted 3. sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be deleted 3. dict<str, seq<str>> keys are attribute names and value being a list of attribute property names Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name, value) → None¶ Delete a the given of properties for the specified device.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) object namevalue: can be one of the following: 1. str [in] - single property data to be deleted 2. DbDatum [in] - single property data to be deleted 3. DbData [in] - several property data to be deleted 4. sequence<str> [in]- several property data to be deleted 5. sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be deleted 6. dict<str, obj> [in] - keys are property names to be deleted (values are ignored) 7. dict<str, DbDatum> [in] - several are property names to be deleted (keys are ignored) Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, obj_name, value) → None¶ - Delete a the given of properties for the specified object.
Parameters: obj_name: (
) object namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single property data to be deleted
- DbDatum [in] - single property data to be deleted
- DbData [in] - several property data to be deleted
- sequence<string> [in]- several property data to be deleted
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be deleted
- dict<str, obj> [in] - keys are property names to be deleted (values are ignored)
- dict<str, DbDatum> [in] - several are property names to be deleted (keys are ignored)
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, server) → None¶ - Delete the device server and its associated devices from database.
Parameters: server: ( str
) name of the server to be deleted with format: <server name>/<instance>Return: None
(self, server) → None¶ - Delete server information of the specifed server from the database.
Parameters: server: ( str
) name of the server to be deleted with format: <server name>/<instance>Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, dev_export) → None¶ Update the export info for this device in the database.
Example: dev_export = DbDevExportInfo() = 'my/own/device' dev_export.ior = <the real ior> = <the host> dev_export.version = '3.0' = '....' db.export_device(dev_export)
Parameters: dev_export: ( DbDevExportInfo
) export informationReturn: None
(self, event_data) → None¶ - Export an event to the database.
Parameters: eventdata: (sequence< str
>) event data (same as DbExportEvent Database command)Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, dev_info) → None¶ - Export a group of devices to the database.
Parameters: devinfo: (sequence<DbDevExportInfo> | DbDevExportInfos | DbDevExportInfo) containing the device(s) to export information Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self) → DevErrorList¶ - Returns a reference to the control access exceptions.
Parameters: None Return: DevErrorList New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, alias) → str¶ - Get the device alias name from its name.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) device nameReturn: alias
New in PyTango 3.0.4
Deprecated since version 8.1.0: Use
(self, attr_name) → str¶ - Get the attribute alias from the full attribute name.
Parameters: attr_name: ( str
) full attribute nameReturn: attribute alias
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self, alias) → str¶ - Get the device alias name from its name.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) device nameReturn: alias
New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self, alias) → str¶ - Get the full attribute name from an alias.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) attribute aliasReturn: full attribute name
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)Deprecated since version 8.1.0: Use
.get_attribute_from_alias` instead
(self, filter) → DbDatum¶ - Get attribute alias list. The parameter alias is a string to filter the alias list returned. Wildcard (*) is supported. For instance, if the string alias passed as the method parameter is initialised with only the * character, all the defined attribute alias will be returned. If there is no alias with the given filter, the returned array will have a 0 size.
Parameters: filter: ( str
) attribute alias filterReturn: DbDatum containing the list of matching attribute alias
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, alias) → str¶ - Get the full attribute name from an alias.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) attribute aliasReturn: full attribute name
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self, class_name, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of attributes defined for the specified class which match the specified wildcard.
Parameters: class_name: ( str
) class namewildcard: ( str
) attribute nameReturn: DbDatum containing the list of matching attributes for the given class
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, class_name, value) → dict<str, dict<str, seq<str>>¶ - Query the database for a list of class attribute properties for the specified class. The method returns all the properties for the specified attributes.
Parameters: class_name: (
) class namepropnames: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single attribute properties to be fetched
- DbDatum [in] - single attribute properties to be fetched
- DbData [in,out] - several attribute properties to be fetched In this case (direct C++ API) the DbData will be filled with the property values
- sequence<str> [in] - several attribute properties to be fetched
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several attribute properties to be fetched
- dict<str, obj> [in,out] - keys are attribute names In this case the given dict values will be changed to contain the several attribute property values
Return: a dictionary which keys are the attribute names the value associated with each key being a another dictionary where keys are property names and value is a sequence of strings being the property value.
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name, attr_name, prop_name) → DbHistoryList¶ - Delete a list of properties for the specified class. This corresponds to the pure C++ API call.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameattr_name: ( str
) attribute nameprop_name: ( str
) property nameReturn: DbHistoryList containing the list of modifications
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, dev_name) → str¶ - Return the class of the specified device.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: a string containing the device class
get_class_for_device (self, dev_name) ->
Return the class of the specified device.Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: a string containing the device class
(self, dev_name) → DbDatum¶ - Return the class inheritance scheme of the specified device.
Parameters: devn_ame: ( str
) device nameReturn: DbDatum with the inheritance class list
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of classes which match the specified wildcard
Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) class wildcardReturn: DbDatum containing the list of matching classes
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, class_name, value) → dict<str, seq<str>>¶ - Query the database for a list of class properties.
Parameters: class_name: (
) class namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single property data to be fetched
- PyTango.DbDatum [in] - single property data to be fetched
- PyTango.DbData [in,out] - several property data to be fetched In this case (direct C++ API) the DbData will be filled with the property values
- sequence<str> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- dict<str, obj> [in,out] - keys are property names In this case the given dict values will be changed to contain the several property values
Return: a dictionary which keys are the property names the value associated with each key being a a sequence of strings being the property value.
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, class_name, prop_name) → DbHistoryList¶ - Get the list of the last 10 modifications of the specified class property. Note that propname can contain a wildcard character (eg: ‘prop*’).
Parameters: class_name: ( str
) class nameprop_name: ( str
) property nameReturn: DbHistoryList containing the list of modifications
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, class_name) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of properties defined for the specified class.
Parameters: class_name: ( str
) class nameReturn: DbDatum containing the list of properties for the specified class
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, alias) → str¶ - Get the device name from an alias.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) aliasReturn: device name
Deprecated since version 8.1.0: Use
(self, filter) → DbDatum¶ - Get device alias list. The parameter alias is a string to filter the alias list returned. Wildcard (*) is supported.
Parameters: filter: ( str
) a string with the alias filter (wildcard (*) is supported)Return: DbDatum with the list of device names
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, dev_name, value) → dict<str, dict<str, seq<str>>>¶ - Query the database for a list of device attribute properties for the specified device. The method returns all the properties for the specified attributes.
Parameters: dev_name: (
) device namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single attribute properties to be fetched
- DbDatum [in] - single attribute properties to be fetched
- DbData [in,out] - several attribute properties to be fetched In this case (direct C++ API) the DbData will be filled with the property values
- sequence<str> [in] - several attribute properties to be fetched
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several attribute properties to be fetched
- dict<str, obj> [in,out] - keys are attribute names In this case the given dict values will be changed to contain the several attribute property values
Return: a dictionary which keys are the attribute names the value associated with each key being a another dictionary where keys are property names and value is a DbDatum containing the property value.
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name, att_name, prop_name) → DbHistoryList¶ - Get the list of the last 10 modifications of the specified device attribute property. Note that propname and devname can contain a wildcard character (eg: ‘prop*’).
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameattn_ame: ( str
) attribute nameprop_name: ( str
) property nameReturn: DbHistoryList containing the list of modifications
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, server) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of devices and classes served by the specified server. Return a list with the following structure: [device name, class name, device name, class name, ...]
Parameters: server: ( str
) name of the server with format: <server name>/<instance>Return: DbDatum containing list with the following structure: [device_name, class name]
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of of device domain names which match the wildcard provided (* is wildcard for any character(s)). Domain names are case insensitive.
Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) domain filterReturn: DbDatum with the list of device domain names
(self, filter) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of exported devices whose names satisfy the supplied filter (* is wildcard for any character(s))
Parameters: filter: ( str
) device name filter (wildcard)Return: DbDatum with the list of exported devices
(self, class_name) → DbDatum¶ - Query database for list of exported devices for the specified class.
Parameters: class_name: ( str
) class nameReturn: DbDatum with the list of exported devices for the
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of of device family names which match the wildcard provided (* is wildcard for any character(s)). Family names are case insensitive.
Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) family filterReturn: DbDatum with the list of device family names
(self, alias) → str¶ - Get the device name from an alias.
Parameters: alias: ( str
) aliasReturn: device name
New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self, dev_name) → DbDevFullInfo¶ Query the databse for the full info of the specified device.
Example: dev_info = db.get_device_info('my/own/device') print( print(dev_info.class_name) print(dev_info.ds_full_name) print(dev_info.exported) print(dev_info.ior) print(dev_info.version) print( print(dev_info.started_date) print(dev_info.stopped_date)
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: DbDevFullInfo
New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of of device member names which match the wildcard provided (* is wildcard for any character(s)). Member names are case insensitive.
Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) member filterReturn: DbDatum with the list of device member names
(self, serv_name, class_name) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of devices served by a server for a given device class
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) server nameclass_name: ( str
) device class nameReturn: DbDatum with the list of device names
(self, dev_name, value) → dict<str, seq<str>>¶ Query the database for a list of device properties.
Parameters: dev_name: (
) object namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single property data to be fetched
- DbDatum [in] - single property data to be fetched
- DbData [in,out] - several property data to be fetched In this case (direct C++ API) the DbData will be filled with the property values
- sequence<str> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- dict<str, obj> [in,out] - keys are property names In this case the given dict values will be changed to contain the several property values
Return: a dictionary which keys are the property names the value associated with each key being a a sequence of strings being the property value.
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name, prop_name) → DbHistoryList¶ - Get the list of the last 10 modifications of the specified device property. Note that propname can contain a wildcard character (eg: ‘prop*’). This corresponds to the pure C++ API call.
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) server nameprop_name: ( str
) property nameReturn: DbHistoryList containing the list of modifications
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, dev_name, wildcard, array=None) → DbData¶ - Query the database for a list of properties defined for the specified device and which match the specified wildcard. If array parameter is given, it must be an object implementing de ‘append’ method. If given, it is filled with the matching property names. If not given the method returns a new DbDatum containing the matching property names.
New in PyTango 7.0.0
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device namewildcard: ( str
) property name wildcardarray: [out] (sequence) (optional) array that will contain the matching property names. Return: if container is None, return is a new DbDatum containing the matching property names. Otherwise returns the given array filled with the property names
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device
(self, dev_name) → DbDatum¶ - Query database for the list of services provided by the given device.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: DbDatum with the list of services
New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self) → str¶ - Returns the database file name or throws an exception if not using a file database
Parameters: None Return: a string containing the database file name Throws: DevFailed
New in PyTango 7.2.0
(self) → DbDatum¶ get_host_list (self, wildcard) ->
Returns the list of all host names registered in the database.Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) (optional) wildcard (eg: ‘l-c0*’)Return: DbDatum with the list of registered host names
(self, host_name) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of servers registred on the specified host.
Parameters: host_name: ( str
) host nameReturn: DbDatum containing list of servers for the specified host
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self) → str¶ - Query the database for some general info about the tables.
Parameters: None Return: a multiline string
(self, serv_name) → DbDatum¶ - Return the list of all instance names existing in the database for the specifed server.
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) server name with format <server name>Return: DbDatum containing list of instance names for the specified server
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of object (free properties) for which properties are defined and which match the specified wildcard.
Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) object wildcardReturn: DbDatum containing the list of object names matching the given wildcard
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, obj_name, wildcard) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of properties defined for the specified object and which match the specified wildcard.
Parameters: obj_name: ( str
) object namewildcard: ( str
) property name wildcardReturn: DbDatum with list of properties defined for the specified object and which match the specified wildcard
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, obj_name, value) → dict<str, seq<str>>¶ - Query the database for a list of object (i.e non-device) properties.
Parameters: obj_name: (
) object namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single property data to be fetched
- DbDatum [in] - single property data to be fetched
- DbData [in,out] - several property data to be fetched In this case (direct C++ API) the DbData will be filled with the property values
- sequence<str> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- dict<str, obj> [in,out] - keys are property names In this case the given dict values will be changed to contain the several property values
Return: a dictionary which keys are the property names the value associated with each key being a a sequence of strings being the property value.
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(obj_name, value)¶ get_property(self, obj_name, value) -> dict<str, seq<str>>
Query the database for a list of object (i.e non-device) properties.Parameters: obj_name: (
) object namevalue: can be one of the following:
- str [in] - single property data to be fetched
- DbDatum [in] - single property data to be fetched
- DbData [in,out] - several property data to be fetched In this case (direct C++ API) the DbData will be filled with the property values
- sequence<str> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- sequence<DbDatum> [in] - several property data to be fetched
- dict<str, obj> [in,out] - keys are property names In this case the given dict values will be changed to contain the several property values
Return: a dictionary which keys are the property names the value associated with each key being a a sequence of strings being the property value.
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, obj_name, prop_name) → DbHistoryList¶ - Get the list of the last 10 modifications of the specifed object property. Note that propname can contain a wildcard character (eg: ‘prop*’)
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) server nameprop_name: ( str
) property nameReturn: DbHistoryList containing the list of modifications
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, server) → DbDatum¶ - Query the database for a list of classes instancied by the specified server. The DServer class exists in all TANGO servers and for this reason this class is removed from the returned list.
Parameters: server: ( str
) name of the server to be deleted with format: <server name>/<instance>Return: DbDatum containing list of class names instanciated by the specified server
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, server) → DbServerInfo¶ - Query the database for server information.
Parameters: server: ( str
) name of the server to be unexported with format: <server name>/<instance>Return: DbServerInfo with server information
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self) → DbDatum¶ get_server_list (self, wildcard) ->
Return the list of all servers registered in the database. If wildcard parameter is given, then the the list matching servers will be returned (ex: Serial/*)Parameters: wildcard: ( str
) host wildcard (ex: Serial/*)Return: DbDatum containing list of registered servers
(self) → DbDatum¶ - Return the list of all server names registered in the database.
Parameters: None Return: DbDatum containing list of server names Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, serv_name, inst_name) → DbDatum¶ - Query database for specified services.
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) service nameinst_name: ( str
) instance name (can be a wildcard character (‘*’))Return: DbDatum with the list of available services
New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, dev_name) → DbDevImportInfo¶ Query the databse for the export info of the specified device.
Example: dev_imp_info = db.import_device('my/own/device') print( print(dev_imp_info.exported) print(dev_imp_info.ior) print(dev_imp_info.version)
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: DbDevImportInfo
(self) → bool¶ - Returns True if control access is checked or False otherwise.
Parameters: None Return: ( bool
) True if control access is checked or FalseNew in PyTango 7.0.0
(self) → bool¶ - Returns if in multi tango host.
Parameters: None Return: True if multi tango host or False otherwise New in PyTango 7.1.4
(self, attr_name, alias) → None¶ - Set an alias for an attribute name. The attribute alias is specified by aliasname and the attribute name is specifed by attname. If the given alias already exists, a DevFailed exception is thrown.
Parameters: attr_name: ( str
) full attribute namealias: ( str
) aliasReturn: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, class_name, value) → None¶ - Insert or update a list of properties for the specified class.
Parameters: class_name: (
) class namepropdata: can be one of the following:
PyTango.DbData - several property data to be inserted
sequence<DbDatum> - several property data to be inserted
dict<str, dict<str, obj>> keys are attribute names and value being another dictionary which keys are the attribute property names and the value associated with each key being:
3.1 seq<str> 3.2 PyTango.DbDatum
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, class_name, value) → None¶ - Insert or update a list of properties for the specified class.
Parameters: class_name: ( str
) class namevalue: can be one of the following: 1. DbDatum - single property data to be inserted 2. DbData - several property data to be inserted 3. sequence<DbDatum> - several property data to be inserted 4. dict<str, DbDatum> - keys are property names and value has data to be inserted 5. dict<str, obj> - keys are property names and str(obj) is property value 6. dict<str, seq<str>> - keys are property names and value has data to be inserted Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name, alias) → None¶ - Query database for list of exported devices for the specified class.
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device namealias: ( str
) alias nameReturn: None
(self, dev_name, value) → None¶ - Insert or update a list of properties for the specified device.
Parameters: dev_name: (
) device namevalue: can be one of the following:
DbData - several property data to be inserted
sequence<DbDatum> - several property data to be inserted
dict<str, dict<str, obj>> keys are attribute names and value being another dictionary which keys are the attribute property names and the value associated with each key being:
3.1 seq<str> 3.2 PyTango.DbDatum
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, dev_name, value) → None¶ Insert or update a list of properties for the specified device.
Parameters: dev_name: (
) object namevalue: can be one of the following:
- DbDatum - single property data to be inserted
- DbData - several property data to be inserted
- sequence<DbDatum> - several property data to be inserted
- dict<str, DbDatum> - keys are property names and value has data to be inserted
- dict<str, obj> - keys are property names and str(obj) is property value
- dict<str, seq<str>> - keys are property names and value has data to be inserted
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, obj_name, value) → None¶ - Insert or update a list of properties for the specified object.
Parameters: obj_name: (
) object namevalue: can be one of the following:
- DbDatum - single property data to be inserted
- DbData - several property data to be inserted
- sequence<DbDatum> - several property data to be inserted
- dict<str, DbDatum> - keys are property names and value has data to be inserted
- dict<str, obj> - keys are property names and str(obj) is property value
- dict<str, seq<str>> - keys are property names and value has data to be inserted
Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, info) → None¶ - Add/update server information in the database.
Parameters: info: ( DbServerInfo
) new server informationReturn: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, serv_name, inst_name, dev_name) → None¶ - Register the specified service wihtin the database.
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) service nameinst_name: ( str
) instance namedev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: None
New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self, old_ds_name, new_ds_name) → None¶ - Rename a device server process.
Parameters: old_ds_name: ( str
) old namenew_ds_name: ( str
) new nameReturn: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 8.1.0
(self) → None¶ - Force a complete refresh over the database if using a file based database.
Parameters: None Return: None New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, val) → None¶ - Sets or unsets the control access check.
Parameters: val: ( bool
) True to set or False to unset the access controlReturn: None
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, dev_name) → None¶ Mark the specified device as unexported in the database
Example: db.unexport_device('my/own/device')
Parameters: dev_name: ( str
) device nameReturn: None
(self, event) → None¶ - Un-export an event from the database.
Parameters: event: ( str
) eventReturn: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self, server) → None¶ - Mark all devices exported for this server as unexported.
Parameters: server: ( str
) name of the server to be unexported with format: <server name>/<instance>Return: None
Throws: ConnectionFailed
from device (DB_SQLError)
(self, serv_name, inst_name) → None¶ - Unregister the specified service from the database.
Parameters: serv_name: ( str
) service nameinst_name: ( str
) instance nameReturn: None
New in PyTango 3.0.4
(self) → None¶ - Force a write to the file if using a file based database.
Parameters: None Return: None New in PyTango 7.0.0
¶ A single database value which has a name, type, address and value and methods for inserting and extracting C++ native types. This is the fundamental type for specifying database properties. Every property has a name and has one or more values associated with it. A status flag indicates if there is data in the DbDatum object or not. An additional flag allows the user to activate exceptions.
- Note: DbDatum is extended to support the python sequence API.
- This way the DbDatum behaves like a sequence of strings. This allows the user to work with a DbDatum as if it was working with the old list of strings.
New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self) → bool¶ - Returns True or False depending on whether the DbDatum object contains data or not. It can be used to test whether a property is defined in the database or not.
Parameters: None Return: ( bool
) True if no data or False otherwise.New in PyTango 7.0.0
(self) → int¶ - Returns the number of separate elements in the value.
Parameters: None Return: the number of separate elements in the value. New in PyTango 7.0.0
¶ import info for a device (should be retrived from the database) with the following members:
import info for a device (should be retrived from the database) with the following members:
¶ import info for a device (should be retrived from the database) with the following members:
¶ A structure containing available information for a device with the following members:
¶ A structure containing the modifications of a property. No public members.
(self) → str¶ - Returns the attribute name (empty for object properties or device properties)
Parameters: None Return: ( str
) attribute name
¶ A structure containing available information for a device server with the following members: