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Graphical forms

Often a number of control parameters for a data analysis operation may be varied by the user. Since for many of the parameters the default values will be suitable ``graphical forms'' are presented. The same basic ``form'' is used for many different purposes. The form for defining the size of program arrays when FIT2D is first started-up is an example. All forms have the same basic components and functionality, although the number of user variable parameters may change. The form presented to the user for modification when the INTEGRATE command of the POWDER DIFFRACTION (2-D) interface is shown as an example in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Example of a Graphical Form

\includegraphics [height=200mm]{}

Each user controllable parameter has a button which may be clicked to change the value of the parameter. This button will contain some short text to describe the parameter. To the far left will be a short phrase giving more detail as to the purpose of the parameter, and immediately to the left is the current value.

Clicking on the buttons of parameters which require a ``YES/NO'' value will simply toggle the value, whilst clicking on other types of parameters will produce a ``dialogue'' region at the bottom of the graphics window. Here the parameter value can be entered from the keyboard (see Section 3.5.1), or a choice or inputs will be displayed as a graphical menu.

In addition to the parameter buttons are the following general buttons:

O.K. Clicking on the O.K. button will exit the form, saving any changes to parameter values which may have been made.
CANCEL Clicking on the cancel button will exit the form without making any changes. This may also cancel the operation for which the parameters were being input and return to a menu.
INFO This gives general information explaining the use of the graphical form.
? This gives a short phrase explaining the use of each of the buttons in the form
HELP This gives help information specific to the particular graphical form and the parameters being controlled. This gives an overview of how the parameters control or vary the operation.

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Andy Hammersley