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- ? List of available commands and functions
- ADD Add active data region of memory to current data
- ANNOTATION LABEL Define annotation labels for graphics
- BLUR Blur data by a top hat convolution
- BRAGGS' EQUATION Variety of uses of Braggs equation
- CADD Add constant to active data region
- CALCULATOR Reverse Polish Notation calculator
- CALIBRATION Calculate or apply calibration functions
- CDIVIDE Divide by a constant value the active data region
- CLEAR DATA Set data region (and variances) to zero
- CLOSE LOG Close log file
- CMULTIPLY Multiply active data region by a constant
- COLOUR TABLE Choice of colour table and index range
- CONTOUR PLOT Graphic display of active data region
- CREATE DATA Define blank data region (for simulation)
- CURVE STYLES Set attributes for curve representation
- DEFINE VARIABLE Define variable and its corresponding value
- DIFFRACTION PATTERN Predict part of diffraction pattern
- DIMENSIONS Change dynamic array dimensions
- DISPLAY LIMITS Set maximum number of displayable pixels
- DIVIDE Divide ROI of current data by the memory
- END GRAPHICS FILE Close previously opened PostScript file
- EXCHANGE Exchange current data with the memory contents
- EXIT Exit from program
- FAST IMAGE Fast output of an image to PostScript
- FILTER Fourier Filtering of data with sharp cut-off filter
- FIT Least squares fitting with Gaussian functions
- FLIP Reflect data through horizontal or vertical middle
- FONT Select text font to be used for all Roman text
- FUJI LINEARISATION Convert intensities to linear scale
- FULL REGION Set active data region to full data region
- GAUSSIAN Add 2-D Gaussian to data
- GEOMETRY (EXPERIMENT) Define experimental geometry
- GRID Define graphics grid requirements
- HELP User help and information
- IMAGE Interactive control of image display
- INFORMATION Information on the internal state of FIT2D
- INPUT DATA Input data from data file
- LINEARISE FILM Non-linearity corrections to film data
- LIST VARIABLES Table of currently defined variables and values
- LOGARITHM Take logarithm base 10 of all elements in ROI
- MACRO Run previously saved macro definition file
- MEDIAN FILTER Filter by taking median value within window
- MOVE/ROTATE Move and or rotate image, output in memory
- MULTIPLY Multiply ROI of memory to the current data
- NORMALISE Normalise ROI; divide by maximum value within ROI
- OFFSET/SCALE Calculate offset and scale between two images
- OPEN LOG Open log file for record of input and output
- OUTPUT DATA Output data to named data file
- PAGE POSITION Set position of data display region on page
- PEEP Look at pixel coordinates and value
- PIXEL REGION Change active data region using pixel limits
- PLOT DATA Plot data as 2-D image (or X-Y graph if 1-D)
- POISSONIAN NOISE Add Poissonian noise to data
- POWER SPECTRUM Calculate power spectrum of ROI
- PRINT GRAPHICS Output graphics to a file for printing
- PUBLICATION QUALITY Set attributes for high quality output
- QUIT Exit from program
- RAISE TO A POWER Raise elements in ROI to specified power
- REBIN Re-bin data, output in memory
- RECALL Recall data set from internal memory
- REFLECT Reflect data about input line, output in memory
- REGION Change active data region
- ROI Defined Region Of Interest (Active Data Region) (pixels)
- ROTATE LUT Interactive rotation of the colour table
- RUN MACRO Run previously saved macro definition file
- SELECT PIXEL OPERATION Operation on defined pixel value range
- SEQUENCE Run macro for a sequence of files (or not)
- SET ANNOTATION STYLE Set style of annotation label text
- SET ARROW STYLE Set style of an arrow; style, colour, etc.
- SET AXES STYLE Set style of axes, line width, colour, etc.
- SET BACKGROUND STYLE Define background colour
- SET COLOUR Set colour of graph lines, text, and markers
- SET CURVE STYLES Set attributes for curve representation
- SET ENUMERATION STYLE Set style for axis numbering
- SET FONT Select text font to be used for all Roman text
- SET GRID STYLE line type, colour, and width for grid
- SET TICK POSITIONS Number, interval of large tick marks
- SMOOTH Top-hat convolution smoothing of user input size
- SPATIAL FILTERING Filtering in Spatial domain
- START MACRO Save commands in macro definition file
- STATISTICS Calculate parameters of a region of the data
- STOP MACRO Close previously opened macro definition file
- STORE Store present data set in internal memory
- SUBTRACT Subtract active data region of memory from data
- SURFACE INTERPOLATION User defined surface in memory
- SYMMETRIC FUNCTION Add circularly symmetric function to data
- TITLE Input new text for title
- THRESHOLD Set minimum and/or maximum values in ROI
- TRANSPOSE Transpose data arrays and variance arrays
- UN-DEFINE VARIABLE Remove variable from translation table
- UNIT CELL PARAMETERS Convert between real and reciprocal
- V2C Variances to current and vice versa (special command)
- VARIABLE Define variable and its corresponding value
- VARIANCES DEFINITION Define variances from current data
- WEIGHTED AVERAGE data and memory weighted by variances
- X-AXIS LABEL Input new text for X-axis label
- Y-AXIS LABEL Input new text for Y-axis label
- Z-AXIS LABEL Input new text for Z-axis (intensity) label
- 1-D INTERPOLATION Correct 1-D values by interpolation
- 3-D SURFACE PLOT Graphics view of active data region
- Z-SCALE Image scaling mode, automatic, minimum/maximum
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Andrew Hammersley