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ESRF User Portal Software

The ESRF User Portal is the Science Management Information System (SMIS) for beam time at the ESRF. The SMIS team is developing and maintaining it.

The new interfaces to submit proposals, samples, MX-BAG annual reports and manage publications profile have been successfully deployed on 24th May 2024. The SMIS team members participating to these developments are:

  • Marjolaine Bodin (full-stack, 2019-2021)
  • Solange Delagenière (team management, full-stack)
  • Sébastien Gruchet (full stack)
  • Ismérie Mariette (front-end & UX)
  • Marie Robichon (back-end)
  • Stefan Schulze (project management, full-stack)
  • Anton Telechev (tech lead, full-stack)
  • Ana Zhgenti (tests, 2023)

New features are under development by the SMIS team members:

  • Solange Delagenière (team management, full-stack)
  • Sébastien Gruchet (full stack)
  • Ismérie Mariette (front-end & UX)
  • Marie Robichon (back-end)
  • Stefan Schulze (project management, full-stack)
  • Rémi Taché (full-stack)
  • Anton Telechev (tech lead, full-stack)