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New life sciences director


Serge Pérez, former director of the CNRS' Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales in Grenoble, is the new director of research at the ESRF, replacing Sine Larsen.


The new director of research has an extensive CV in science (he has more than 240 papers in the field of glycosciences) as well as a substantial career as a manager.

He first became director at the Centre de Recherches Agro-Alimentaires in 1987. As director of research at the CNRS he moved to Grenoble in the 90s to head the Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales, where he had previously worked as a scientist. He is leaving this position after 12 years to take up his new job at the ESRF. He has used X-ray crystallography on the beamlines for several years.

Since 2007 he has held the position of Director of the Doctoral School of Chemistry and Life Sciences at the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble. In his time as director, Serge Perez has increased the school’s profile as a scientific partner in the local area, while simultaneously improving its visibility on an international scale.

Top image: Serge Pérez, the new director of research.