RELIABLE AMBIENT DOSE RATE MEASUREMENT IN NEUTRON FIELDS From the experts in radiation measuring technology
LB 6411 Neutron Dose Rate Monitor
Calibrated to ambient equivalent dose rate H*(10) for neutrons
Portable use or as stationary monitor
Thermal neutrons and up to 20 MeV neutrons detectable
High sensitivity leads to short measurement times in weak neutron fi elds Transforming science into solutions
Do you do ARPES measurements?
Analyse the Spin components?
Our state of the art ARPES System with 3D ARPES mapping
MBS A-1SYS + L4 lens* (*: Patented by MB Scientific AB : US 9,997,346 B1, SE 539849, JP 3173552.)
ARPES System with 3D VLEED Spin Detector MBS A-1SYS + MBS 3D-VLEED Gives you the results!
Address: FĆ„lhagsleden 61, SE-753 23, Uppsala, SWEDEN Tel: +46 18 290960, Fax: +46 18 572683
e-mail: Homepage:
For more detailed information please contact us!