June 2024 ESRFnews
of magnetism. In this way, Eremets and colleagues
could unambiguously demonstrate the expulsion of
the magnetic field by the surrounding H
S when it
reached a relatively high temperature, and thereby
prove its superconductivity beyond doubt (Science
351 6279). The experiment is difficult to perform, but
with the completed three-year transfer and upgrade
of the Mössbauer beamline to the ESRF’s ID14 port,
scientists have the benefit of an order-of-magnitude
resolution boost, from 10
μm to 0.8 μm. “Now, instead
of studying the entire sample in integral, one can
map a sample, giving a two-dimensional profile of a
superconducting state,” says Alexander Chumakov, the
scientist in charge of ID14.
Mössbauer spectroscopy is not the only way to
study magnetism within DACs In the past few years
groups led by JeanFrançois Roch and Paul Loubeyre
at the Université ParisSaclay in France and others have
been developing a method that exploits a defect in
diamonds known as the nitrogen vacancy NV centre
The ability of an NV to fluoresce in a microwave field
is dependent on its spin the energy of which in turn
depends on an external magnetic field Therefore
performing microwave spectroscopy at a diamond
anvil tip within a DAC allows the mapping of the
contained samples magnetism
In 2020 Loubeyre and colleagues demonstrated that
a compact NV magnetic microscope could be installed
on an XRD platform at the SOLEIL synchrotron in
France. Now that ID27 is up and running, he plans
to bring the system to the ESRF, to have the best in
structure and magnetism detection in supercon-
ducting hydride research. “Both techniques have a
similar micrometre space resolution,” he says.
So far, all the superconducting hydrides invest-
igated experimentally stabilise at high pressures, up
to around 300 GPa, which is more or less the squeeze
present at the centre of the Earth. Naturally, such
pressures rule out practical applications, whatever
the transition temperature. For that reason, much of
the new focus is on compounds of hydrogen with
more than one other element – so-called ternary or
quaternary hydrides. Indeed, some of the very first
studies of ternary hydrides have been performed
at the ESRF The hope is that we can obtain a
superhydride superconductor that is metastable
at ambient pressure says Loubeyre A few have
already been predicted by ab initio calculations
Of course all synchrotrons can perform
measurements at high pressures and temperatures
says Garbarino But here at the ESRF with the
machine the new beamlines the new detectors
and the onhand sample environments were in a
privileged situation
Jon Cartwright
Anna Pakhomova,
beamline scientist
at ID27, helps
users to prepare