Package fr.esrf.tangoatk.core

This package contains the model part of TangoATK.

See: Description

Package fr.esrf.tangoatk.core Description

This package contains the model part of TangoATK. Core has no knowledge of its viewers, core only knows how to send events to its listeners.
Most users will only need to access to get things started.


Most of the code in this package is written to facilitate the handling of Attributes and Commands. Normally, users of this package should not try to instanciate attributes and commands by themselves, but rather use the AttributeList and the CommandList respectively. For more finegrained control, a CommandFactory and an AttributeFactory is provided.

Communication model

The communication model of TangoATK is based on the model used by java-beans, that is, objects register themselves as listeners to other object's events. All the listener-interfaces in core are derived from IErrorListener, so that all listeners are forced to implement some kind of errorhandling.


Both commands and attributes have properties attached to them. Some properties are common to both commands and attributes, and thus the hierarchy of classes representing the properties work with both commands and properties.

There are two ways of obtaining properties from a command or attribute. Either by calling getPropertyMap() which returns a java.util.Map with all propeties, or by calling specialized methods in the objects, such as getName() which returns the value for a particular property.

Overview of the attribute hierarchy

The Attributes in TangoATK come in different flavors. As an abstraction over Tango, all numeric types are coerced into doubles, and there exists no String types for images, which leaves us with: All of the interfaces inherit from IAttribute, which is the interface that defines an attribute.

Overview of the command hierarchy

Commands are defined by the ICommand inteface, and implemented in the classes: To interpret these names, the type of the input parameter is given as the first part of the class name, the type of the output parameter is given as the second part of the class name.
So a command which is of type ScalarArrayCommand takes a scalar value as input and returns an array as output.

How to obtain the results of a command

As with everything else in TangoATK, the commands also work with events, that is, every time a command is executed, it sends out a ResultEvent to all its listeners with the result of the command.

The Finer points of commands

To make life easier for the programmer, all types commands accept a java.util.List as input. A command which doesn't take any input will silently ignore the input, a command which takes a scalar as input will use only the first value in the list. Array command will parse the list as best it can.

Regarding input, a command will accept any input to any command, there are no compiletime checks to make sure a string is not passed to a command accepting a double allthough this error will be caught at runtime.