Package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.jdraw

Provides classes for handling synoptic files generated by the ESRF home made tool JDraw.

See: Description

Package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.jdraw Description

Provides classes for handling synoptic files generated by the ESRF home made tool JDraw. This package is used to handle a JDraw file (.jdw) as a generic Tango Syoptic. Note that the Jloox files (.jlx) produced by the commercial tool JLooxMaker are also supported. Using the JDraw graphical editor, the user can design a synoptic drawing. During this drawing phase, the portions of the drawing are called with names which can be : tango device names, tango device attribute names or tango device command names. This package provides classes to view and animate the drawing file at run time in a Tango ATK application.

Related Documentation

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