Package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.chart

Contains a set of classes to handle 2D scientific plots.

See: Description

Package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.chart Description

Contains a set of classes to handle 2D scientific plots. It is also oriented to display real time data along a time axis.

JLChart supports :

  • Line plot and bar-graph.
  • Line styles: color , pattern and marker.
  • Filling styles: color , pattern.
  • Axis labeling and grid.
  • Automatic deletion of old data (for real time monitoring).
  • AutoScaling.
  • Linear and Logarithmic scale.
  • User interaction: tooltip , advanced configuration dialogs.
  • Header and legend.
  • Polynomial transform (2nd order).
  • XY monitoring.
  • Zoom.
  • Fast repaint.
  • AntiAliased font.
  • Configuration file.

    Sample applications:

    Sample application 1 This application demonstrates how to the use JLChart to make bar chart.  
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    Sample application 2 This application demonstrates how to the use JLChart to monitor some values in real time.  
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    Sample application 3 This application demonstrates how to the use JLChart to monitor some values in real time. The time axis is not displayed (XY mode) but you can have the time stamp by clicking on a point.  
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    Sample application 4 This application demonstrates how to the use JLChart to plot a random curve. It also shows how to cutstomize the value tooltip.  
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