interface Device;
The fundamental interface for all TANGO objects. Each Device is a network object which can be accessed locally or via network. The network protocol on the wire will be IIOP. The Device interface implements all the basic functions needed for doing generic synchronous and asynchronous I/O on a device. A Device object has data and actions. Data are represented in the form of Attributes. Actions are represented in the form of Commands. The CORBA Device interface offers attributes and methods to access the attributes and commands. A client will either use these methods directly from C++ or Java or access them via a wrapper class. The Device interface describes only the remote network interface. Implementation features like threads, command security, priority etc. are dealt with in server side of the device server model.
DevVarStringArray black_box ( in long n ) raises(DevFailed);
read list of last N commands executed by clients
return : list of command and clients
any command_inout ( in string command, in any argin ) raises(DevFailed);
execute a command on a device synchronously with one input parameter and one output parameter
return : command result.
DevCmdInfoList command_list_query ( ) raises(DevFailed);
query device to see what commands it supports
return : list of commands and their types
DevCmdInfo command_query ( in string command ) raises(DevFailed);
query device to see command argument
return : command and its types
AttributeConfigList get_attribute_config ( in DevVarStringArray names ) raises(DevFailed);
read the configuration for a variable list of attributes from a device
return : list of attribute configurations read
DevInfo info ( ) raises(DevFailed);
return general information about object e.g. class, type, ...
return : device info
void ping ( ) raises(DevFailed);
ping a device to see if it alive
AttributeValueList read_attributes ( in DevVarStringArray names ) raises(DevFailed);
read a variable list of attributes from a device
return : list of attribute values read
void set_attribute_config ( in AttributeConfigList new_conf ) raises(DevFailed);
set the configuration for a variable list of attributes from the device
return : nothing
void write_attributes ( in AttributeValueList values ) raises(DevFailed);
write a variable list of attributes to a device
return : nothing
readonly attribute string adm_name;
adm_name (readonly) - administrator device unique ascii identifier
readonly attribute string description;
description (readonly) - general description of device
readonly attribute string name;
name (readonly) - unique ascii identifier
readonly attribute DevState state;
readonly attribute string status;