Facilities requests

If facilities are needed to perform some sample processes, it should be clearly stated in advance to the Local Contact, once scientists receive their invitation, or on the A-form when submitting and if scientists already know the site and facilities offered.

ESRF Biomedical facilities

  • Containment level 1 lab (Molecular biology)
  • Containment level 2 lab (Cellular Biology) subject to specific training with restricted access
  • Histology lab
labo P1 CIBB.JPG   Accès L2 BMF.JPG



L2 Lab BMF

Off line experiments in facilities like icOS

Some facilities not directly related to beamlines may be subject to declaration, as for example the icOS (In Crystallo Optical Spectroscopy) lab (ex Cryobench).  Permission to use the icOS lab must be requested via a checkbox in A Form (User Portal).  You must then complete the form: Word format and email it: icos staff and to the Safety Group two weeks ahead the planned experiment.  Samples used for such experiments should be declared to the Safety Group for validation using the Sample Sheet.  These off-line experiments are subject to “on line” internal regulations i.e. valid Users' Safety Training.