Xenon Datas in eV
EK ΔEK EL1 ΔEL1 EL2 ΔEL2 EL3 ΔEL3 EKα1 ΔEKα1 EKα2 ΔEKα2 EKß1 Lα1 Lα2 Lß1
34561 11.4 5453 3.64 5107 3.40 4786 3.13 29779 14.6 29458 14.8 33624 4109.9 - -

Main beamline parameters at K-edge
Bending Magnet Monochromator
Vertical div. (mrad) Cristal type Angle (°) Resolution (eV)
0.095 Si(220) 5.37 1.77
Si(111) 3.28 4.73


Experiments already done with this element / available references

Material Science

Bès R., Gaillard C., Millard-Pinard N., Gavarini S., Martin P., Cardinal S., Esnouf C., Malchère A., Perrat-Mabilon A., “Xenon behavior in TiN: a coupled XAS/TEM study”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 434 (2013) 56-64

Martin P., Garcia P., Carlot G., Sabathier C., Valot C., Nassif V., Proux O., Hazemann J.-L., “XAS characterisation of xenon bubbles in uranium dioxide”, Nuclear Instruments and methods B, 266 (2008) 2887-2891

Faraci G., Pennisi A. R., Zontone F., “Xe nanocrystals in Si studied by x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B 76 (2007) 035423

Garcia P., Martin P., Carlot G., Castelier E., Ripert M., Sabathier C., Valot C., D'Acapito F., Hazemann J-L., Proux O., Nassif V., “The Effect of highly pressurised intra-granular bubbles on the mobility and release to grain boundaries of diffusing rare gas atoms in uranium dioxide”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 352 (2006) 136-143