Hafnium Datas in eV |
EK |
EL1 |
ΔEL1 |
EL2 |
ΔEL2 |
EL3 |
ΔEL3 |
ELα1 |
ELα2 |
ELß1 |
ΔELα1 |
ΔELα2 |
65351 |
35.7 |
11271 |
5.63 |
10739 |
5.02 |
9561 |
4.80 |
7899.0 |
7844.6 |
9022.7 |
5.83 |
6.70 |
Main beamline parameters at L3 -edge |
Bending Magnet |
Monochromator |
Mirrors |
Vertical div. (mrad) |
Cristal type |
Angle (°) |
Resolution (eV) |
Angle (mrad) |
Cut-off energy (keV) |
0.181 |
Si(220) |
19.76 |
0.490 |
4.1 |
14.3 |
Si(111) |
11.95 |
1.30 |
Experiments already done with this element / available references
Material Science
Sadoc A., Sabra M., Proux O., Hazemann J.-L., Bondi K. S., Kelton K.F., “Zr and Hf microalloying in an Al-Y-Fe amorphous alloy. Relation between local structure and glass-forming ability”, Philosophical Magazine 88 (2008) 2569-2582