Magnetic Materials under Extreme Conditions

Dates: 6-7-8-9 February 2012
(starting 6/02 afternoon and finishing 9/02 lunch time)

ILL Grenoble, France
Chadwick Amphitheatre


Organizing Committee:


C. Aruta, ESRF Users' Organisation & CNR-SPIN, Napoli, Italy
J. P. Attfield, ESRF SAC member & University of Edinburgh, UK
N. Brookes, ESRF Grenoble
C. Detlefs, ESRF Grenoble
A. Kaprolat, ESRF Grenoble
S. Pascarelli, ESRF Grenoble
A. Rogalev, ESRF Grenoble
F. Wilhelm, ESRF Grenoble

Administrative Assistant: Claudine Roméro, ESRF Grenoble





Scope of the Workshop

Magnetic materials often reveal new intriguing properties when subjected to extreme conditions such as high magnetic field, electric field, high pressure and strong optical fields in combination with low or high temperature. The macroscopic and a fortiori the microscopic magnetic properties of materials ranging from bulk down to low dimensional systems under such extreme conditions remain largely unexplored. Synchrotron and neutrons based techniques can provide unique insights to understand further the static/dynamic properties of spin, orbital, charge and lattice degrees of freedom and their coupling in magnetic materials.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together the communities of scientists investigating magnetic materials ranging from low dimensional systems up to macrosized samples under extreme conditions. The workshop will cover a broad spectrum of topics embracing fundamental and theoretical aspects of phenomena occurring under high magnetic field, electric field, high pressure and strong optical fields in combination with low or high temperature.

The organisers will invite 15 speakers who will be asked to present their recent work on a given topic. The workshop is open to all interested parties upon registration, but the number of participants will be limited to approximately 100. The workshop will include a poster session. Finally a limited number of bursaries for students will be available upon request.