ESRF - EBS Workshop Series


Emerging synchrotron techniques for characterization of energy materials and devices

ESRF - Grenoble - France
23 - 25 September 2019

Venue   ESRF auditorium

Michela Brunelli, DUBBLE/ESRF Grenoble
Dmitry Chernyshov, SNBL/ESRF Grenoble
Marco di Michiel, ESRF Grenoble
Alexander Rack, ESRF Grenoble
Wouter van Beek, SNBL/ESRF Grenoble
Gavin Vaughan, ESRF Grenoble

Assistants   Marion Glückert, Deborah Davison



The heterogeneous devices which will play a role in the future green energy economy, such as batteries, solar cells, super-capacitors etc. rely on complex interactions over many length scales. This workshop will focus on the application of established and emerging synchrotron experimental techniques to understand problems from the energy sector, and investigate new opportunities following the ESRF EBS upgrade.

Topics covered by the workshop will include: hydrogen storage and hydrogen economy (fuel cells), gas separation and storage (porous materials), catalysis for energy related processes, electrochemistry and battery research, fuel efficiency and consumption, solar energy, thermoelectrics, piezoelectrics and supercapacitors.

The speakers will be asked to highlight scientific trends in their areas of expertise. Participants will have the opportunity to be informed about the anticipated performance gains following the EBS upgrade, and therefore asked to identify new experiments, which will become possible as a result.




Notifications of acceptance for bursaries, oral presentations and posters
have been sent

Final Registration:25/08/2019
