User Meeting Plenary Session | |
UDM 1. "In situ and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the study of catalysts and functional materials"
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UDM 2. "Nanomaterials life cycle: from nanoengineering to public health" | |
UDM 3. "Multi-crystal and serial data collection in structural biology" | |
Tutorials (programmes & scopes) |
T1. SB: Serial crystallography data processing & BAG Meeting | |
T2. XAS data analysis |
T3. X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy to study dynamical properties of matter |
T4. Introduction to coherent X-ray imaging techniques and data analysis |
T5. Volume image analysis of tomographic data |
T6. SAXS analysis strategies & softwares |
T7. Laue microdiffraction |
T8. PyFAI - Data reduction tools for scattering experiments: application to SAXS and WAXS |