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ESRF and SOLEIL to host the international synchrotron instrumentation meeting


The two lightsources based in France, the ESRF in Grenoble, and SOLEIL in Paris, will welcome the next Synchrotron Radiation and Instrumentation (SRI) meeting, which will take place in 2012. The decision has just been announced at this year’s SRI conference, which has brought together 700 participants and is finishing today in Melbourne (Australia).


The international committee of directors of synchrotron sources worldwide voted for the ESRF and SOLEIL to organise the next meeting because of the scientific programme presented, the scholarships and tutorials offered for young scientists and the plan to involve industry and other lightsources more actively in the event.

Because of the joint collaboration, the meeting will happen in Lyon, a thriving French city in the heart of Europe, one hour away from Grenoble and two from Paris via high-speed trains. The event is open to the participation of other European sources and some have already signed in for satellite workshops.


One of Lyon's most popular streets, the rue Mercière. Copyright: O.T. Lyon - Marie PERRIN

As well as the ESRF, the Spanish synchrotron ALBA also participated in the bid. Despite not winning, the synchrotron, based in Barcelona and running from next year, will host a satellite workshop before or after the main conference.


Top image: The Lyon Convention Centre facing the river Rhône. Credits: UMR-CNRS MAP-ENSAL.