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  • Cristina González
    Survey & Alignment engineer
    At university, nobody explains to you that working in a particle accelerator is a choice. Here, we work with the latest innovations in instrumentation and the highest level of equipment on the market.
  • Marcos Lopez
    Electronics engineer
    I interact a lot with the scientists, the users, the computing people, and the mechanics people. We rely on each other for constant feedback and our different perspectives to bring a project to fruition.
  • Eleanor Lawrence
    Scientist on actinide materials
    "I spent my post-doc years on ID11. During that time, I developed many skills including programming, gaining a good understanding of the details and how a beamline works and softer skills, like managing and driving my own research projects."
  • Damien Scortani
    Electronics technician
    It’s important for me to work for a company like the ESRF that, as a non-profit organisation, advances science and technology and openly shares that knowledge within the company and on a worldwide scale.
Cristina González Torres
Survey & Alignment engineer
At university, nobody explains to you that working in a particle accelerator is a choice. Here, we work with the latest innovations in instrumentation and the highest level of equipment on the market.

What the ESRF offers

Company benefits

We are an equal opportunity employer and encourage diversity in our teams.

Life in Grenoble

Located at the heart of the French Alps, the ESRF benefits from an urban life-style and a unique mountain setting.


More than 100 trainees and employees on a sandwich course are welcomed every year at the ESRF.

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