For all administrative and contractual questions, please contact us by email: or by telephone: +33 (0)4 76 88 40 90.

Head of Business Development

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Head of Business Development and staff scientist
Send email to Dr. Edward MITCHELL
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 26 64

Ed is responsible for the ESRF's commercial and industrial programmes, and has over 20 years’ experience in protein crystallography and using synchrotron radiation. He has worked in a variety of roles at the ESRF, including project manager for the Partnership for Structural Biology and for the preparation of the ESRF Upgrade Programme, and has led the construction of three synchrotron X-ray stations.


Deputy Head of Business Development
Send email to Mr. Ennio CAPRIA 
Phone  +33 (0)4 76 88 29 05

Ennio gained his PhD in Applied Physics at Cranfield University (UK). In his research career he has worked on the development of nanobiosensors and on nanocomposites. In 2011 Ennio joined Elettra where he worked on manufacturing of optoelectronic devices and particularly their characterisation with synchrotron light. In 2013 Ennio joined ESRF as the IRT NanoElec Industrial Liaison Engineer and in 2016 became the Deputy Head of the BDO.

BDO Administration


Business Development Administrator
Send email to Ms. Ewa WYSZYNSKA 
Phone  +33 (0)4 76 88 40 90  / Direct Line 21 89

Ewa is the BDO administrative contact point for all of our industrial clients: putting new clients in contact with the most appropriate beamline scientists, drawing up quotations and contracts, scheduling experiments and ensuring follow-up, and answering a multitude of diverse client questions on a daily basis.



Ms Deborah DAVISON
MX Beamtime Scheduling Administrator, Structural Biology Group
Send email to BDO team
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 21 09

Debby is our key contact for the planning of all MX experiments across the MX beamline portfolio. For industrial clients, this means regular MX shifts, Remote Access shifts and MXpress scheduling. This busy role keeps her in daily contact with our industrial clients and academic users alike.

Beamline Liaison with Industry

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Ms Elodie BOLLER
Liaison Engineer for high-resolution diffraction, microtomography and topography, Structure of Materials Group
Send email to Ms. Elodie BOLLER 
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 26 71

Elodie is our X-ray imaging specialist, mainly in microtomography, and provides high-quality 3D images of our clients’ samples. Elodie assesses the feasibility of experiments across a range beamlines and a broad variety of client problems and materials, and has worked at the ESRF for over 12 years.


Liaison Scientist for topography, Structure of Materials Group
Send email to Dr. Michael SZTUCKI 
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 23 92

Thu Nhi is our expert in different X-ray Imaging techniques such as X-ray topography, Rocking Curve Imaging and section topography, which are well adapted  to provide quantitative and qualitative information on defects in single crystals.  

Dr Romain TALON
Liaison Scientist for structural biology (MX, BioSAXS, CryoEM), Structural Biology Group
Send email to Dr. Michael SZTUCKI 
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 26 61

Romain is the scientific and technical contact of our commercial clients for the MX, BioSAXS and Cryo-EM end-stations. He has over 10 years’ experience in protein crystallography and using MX synchrotron beamlines. He has previously worked at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron as senior user support scientist of the XChem-I04-1 fragment screening facility.


  2016-05-03_BDO_SZTUCKI-1.jpg (Michael SZTUCKI, ID02 & BDO)  

Dr Michael SZTUCKI
Liaison Scientist for small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS)
Send email to Dr. Michael SZTUCKI 
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 88 28 93

Michael is our expert in Small- and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS and WAXS) techniques and data modelling for industrial applications. He has more than 15 years' experience at the ESRF and is currently working on the High Brilliance SAXS/WAXS/USAXS Beamline ID02 and the Micro- and Nanofocus beamline ID13.



Ms Ulrike KAPP
Liaison Technician for structural biology (MX), Structural Biology Group
Send email to Ms. Ulrike KAPP 
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 20 94 75

Ulrike is supporting the smooth operation of the structural biology commercial services. She has worked as a research technician in the ESRF Structural Biology Lab for more than 20 years.



European Grant Administration and Applications


Business Development Engineer for European grant applications support
Send email to Mr Gary ADMANS 
Phone  +33 (0)4 76 88 27 57

Gary has worked in science communication at the ESRF for nearly two decades. He graduated as a biological chemist (Kent, UK) and studied for PhD in synthetic organic chemistry (Exeter, UK). His research included projects with companies such as GSK, Dow Corning and Unilever.


Business Development Administrator for European project Communication (EU Projects STREAMLINE, ENRIITC, InnovaXN, Sunstone)

Send email to Ms Chiara FACOETTI 
Phone  +33 (0)4 76 88 45 74

Chiara firstly joined the BDO as Communication Manager for ENRIITC, a EU project aimed to establish strategic partnership between industry and research infrastructures, by building a permanent pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers. Currently, she is also supporting other EU projects, as well as the BDO in terms of Communication strategy, Social Media Management and Outreach activities.


Business Developers


Dr Athanasios PAPAZOGLOU
Business Development Coordinator
Send email to Ms Sara MAMMERI 
Phone:  +33 (0)4 76 88 40 66

Athanasios (Thanos) is a Business Developer at the ESRF, where he develops long-term collaborations and partnerships with industrial users. Thanos has experience in one-on-one work with customers, through hands-on science and cutting-edge technology. He has worked with companies and research institutes to help them grow their commercial activity and networks. Before this, he conducted research at the University Grenoble Alpes, from where he obtained his Ph.D. on in situ experimental geomechanics, which involved the use of synchrotron and neutron sources.