3June 2023 ESRFnews
Number 94 June 2023
On the cover: The dynamic revolution in molecular biology, p12 The workings of single-nanoparticle catalysts, p17
EDITORIAL 5 Access to better science
NEWS 6 Users watch growth of defects in silicon 7 Battery temperatures mapped; ID28 watches qubits relax; RITIFI launches; HUBs kicking off 8 Nature Portfolio journal highlights EBS design; Parasite s defences revealed; Endometriosis link found 9 ID15A probes new piezoelectric; Bagworms reveal silky secrets
INSIGHT 10 The new BAG community access mode
Cover image: iStock/ Glam-Y.
FEATURES 12 Serial crystallography in structural biology 17 Observing single catalytic nanoparticles
PORTRAIT 21 Boaz Pokroy on the ESRF Israel bond
Why you should join a BAG, p10
INDUSTRY 20 Cypriot company studies reinforced technical fabrics
EVENTS 22 PSB Symposium: Dynamics in structural biology; X-ray and neutron science: International student summer programme; Advanced methods for ambient crystallography at ESRF EBS
MOVERS & SHAKERS 22 Arkadiy Simonov; Dimitri Argyriou; Michael Krisch
USER CORNER 19 Dates for the diary; Useful contacts; News from the beamlines