December 2024 ESRFnews
Explore ESRF beamlines
ESRF scientists are hosting a series of live
webinars to introduce potential users
to its beamlines. The coming webinar
topics include the tender X-ray nanoscopy
beamline ID21 (12 December 2024); the
surface scattering end station at ID10
(16 January 2025); and the DUBBLE SAXS/
WAXS beamline, BM26 (20 March 2025).
For more details, and to join the webinars,
visit www.esrf.fr/UOC/Webinarseries.
ESRF User Meeting
10–12 February 2025
Held on the EPN campus in Grenoble,
the 35th ESRF User Meeting will bring
together the international community
of ESRF users, beamline staff and the
ESRF User Organisation for three
days of engaging tutorials, insightful
plenary sessions, and user-dedicated
microsymposia, to discuss the potential of
X-ray science with the EBS. Register now.
See news, p7.
Machine learning in cellular
structural biology
26–27 June 2025
This Partnership for Structural Biology
(PSB) symposium is part of a biennial
series, and will be held on the EPN
Campus in Grenoble, in the ESRF
auditorium. More details to come at
Industry meets ESRF
16–17 July 2025
This 1.5-day event will bring together the
diverse community of industrial partners,
intermediaries, RTOs and others to show
how the ESRF’s cutting-edge synchrotron
technology drives innovation and solutions
for real-world industrial challenges. Held
at the ESRF, it will include engaging
talks, poster sessions, interactive booths,
networking opportunities and a beamline
tour, promising a unique space for discovery
and exchange. More details soon.
Michael Krisch has been selected as the
ESRF director of research for chemistry, life
and medical sciences, and soft matter science.
A solid-state physicist, Krisch has been at
the ESRF since the beginning, aside from a
year spent at the National Synchrotron Light
Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory
in the US. His previous roles include head
of the instrument support and development
division during the EBS upgrade 20152019
and ID17 beamline responsible Director of
research ad interim since March 2023 Krisch
began his new fiveyear mandate in September
following a decision by the ESRF Council
Im delighted with the appointment
of Michael says Jean Daillant the ESRF
directorgeneral We share the same
priorities and his experience in various
positions at the ESRF will be extremely
valuable Together with Gema and the other
directors we now have a great team who are
fully committed to the further development
of the facility for the benefit of science
Costas Fountas has been elected as the
25th president of the council of CERN,
the European centre for particle physics
research. An experimental physicist, Fountas
heads the high-energy physics group at the
University of Ioannina in Greece. After
completing his PhD at Columbia University
in New York city, US, in 1989, he worked for
various institutions in the US and Europe
developing particle data collection systems
most recently at the Large Hadron Collider
at CERN where he has focused on jet cross
sections and searches for new fundamental
Alongside his experimental work
Professor Fountas has held several
management roles at the CMS experiment
at the LHC and has been a member of many
councils and advisory committees He was
appointed Greek scientific delegate to the
CERN council in 2016 and vice president
of the council in 2022 His new mandate as
president begins in January
Britta Redlich is the new director of
photon science at DESY. An expert in
infrared and terahertz spectroscopy,
Redlich defended her PhD in 1998 at the
Leibniz University of Hanover in Germany,
before taking a postdoctoral role at the
University of Münster. In 2000, she joined
the FOM Institute Rijnhuizen in the
Netherlands, first using the free-electron laser
FEL for research and then managing its
operation and external usage Relocating to
Radboud University in the Netherlands
in 2013 she became chair of FELIX FELs
for Infrared eXperiment in 2015 and
director in 2018
In addition to her research which has
focused on the use of infrared and
terahertz radiation to investigate the properties
of molecular systems and condensed matter
Redlich is a cofounder and member of several
international consortia for acceleratorbased
photon sources and lasers including LEAPS
LaserLab Europe and FELs of Europe
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