interface Device_2 : Device;
A new release of the basic Device interface. This new release has been introduced mainly to support Tango device server internal polling. Inheritance is used between this new release and the old one. This release mainly defines a new release of the command_inout and read_attributes calls with a new parameter. It also add a new call to read command or attributes result history.
any command_inout_2 ( in string command, in any argin, in DevSource source ) raises(DevFailed);
Execute a command on a device synchronously with one input parameter and one output parameter read from the polling cache buffer or from the device itself
return : command result.
DevCmdHistoryList command_inout_history_2 ( in string command, in long n ) raises(DevFailed);
Get command history buffer. Return command result history for polled command
return : command history.
DevCmdInfoList_2 command_list_query_2 ( ) raises(DevFailed);
Query device to see what commands it supports. Compared to the Device interface, the command configuration has one more field (The display level)
return : list of commands and their types
DevCmdInfo_2 command_query_2 ( in string command ) raises(DevFailed);
Query device to see command argument. Compared to the Device interface, the command configuration has one more field (The display level)
return : command and its types
AttributeConfigList_2 get_attribute_config_2 ( in DevVarStringArray names ) raises(DevFailed);
Read the configuration for a variable list of attributes from a device. Compared to the Device interface, the attribute configuration has one more field (The display level)
return : list of attribute configurations read
DevAttrHistoryList read_attribute_history_2 ( in string name, in long n ) raises(DevFailed);
Get attribute value history buffer. Return attribute value history for polled attribute
return : attribute value history.
AttributeValueList read_attributes_2 ( in DevVarStringArray names, in DevSource source ) raises(DevFailed);
Read a variable list of attributes from a device read from the polling cache buffer or from the device itself
return : list of attribute values read