(Classic and Dispersive X-ray Absorption Sopectroscopy)
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Alfonso San Miguel
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CDXAS holds for Classic and Dispersive X-ray Absorption
Spectroscopy. The package includes full EXAFS analysis. The
fitting routine is a separate module also included.
The main goals in the conception of CDXAS have been:
Accelerate many of the repetitive parts of the EXAFS
treatment when working with large data sets, but keeping
the control of all the process
Accommodate some of the specific features of the analysis
of spectra obtained at high pressure in the energy
dispersive mode.
CDXAS runs on PC's using DOS (but can be run on windows).
There is a documentation file included in the package. For
more information see
A. San Miguel, "A program for fast classic or dispersive XAS
data analysis in a PC", Physica B 208 & 209, 177 (1995).