XAFS provides input options for data in HASYLAB, feff, and general column
oriented formats.
XAFS features seven line shape functions for XANES fit: arctangian, error
function, and linear linear combinations therof, Fano (step functions),
Lorentzian, Gaussian, and pseudo-Voigt (peak functions).
EXAFS fit options are standard (with fit parameters N, R, s^2 and E0),
general (N, R, s^2, E0, c3, c4, and h, x, n, parameters for electron mean
free path, analytical distribution (N, R, s^2 , E0, and asymmetry parameter h)
numerical distribution (s^2 , E0, 25 bins), and cumulant expansion (up to c4).
Distribution reconstruction is performed by inverse sine fourier transform of
chi data. The maximum number of shells / path fitted is seven.
Multiple scattering is available through the interface to feff. The
analytical distribution fits use weighted exponential functions (m=0,1,and 2).
Currently, xafs runs on 68000 series Apple Macintosh computers with math
coprocessors (fpu) and will soon be available in Power Macintosh and
unix versions.