The scanning diffractometry setup is located in the second experimental hutch (EHII). The entire sample environment is mounted on a hexapod (together with short focal-length optics, when employed). For scanning experiments, a range of different translation and rotation/tilt options are available. A beam monitor installed upstream of the sample (and incorporating an aperture) provides dose-monitoring capabilities and allows on-line exposure normalisation. An on-axis microscope (facing upstream) can be used to visualise the sample in situ at high magnification and design scan regions of interest. Downstream, a selection of detectors are installed on a linear translation stage.

The images below show the scanning setup in detail, configured in this case with short focal-length crossed-mirror optics. However, the whole set-up is highly modular and can be adapted to specific experimental requirements as required. Many of the elements discussed above are annotated on the photographs.


Scanning Diffractometry


Scanning Diffractometry