EXPLORE ESRF BEAMLINES - ID30A-3 Minifocus beamline for macromolecular crystallography - Igor Melnikov
ID30A-3 Minifocus beamline for
macromolecular crystallography - Igor Melnikov
ID30A-3 (MASSIF-3) is an X-ray beamline at the ESRF dedicated to macromolecular crystallography (MX). It works at a fixed energy of 12.812keV and delivers a bright (2·1013ph/s) monochromatic X-ray beam 15μm in size. The standard MX beamline setup with the fast Eiger X 4M detector allows efficiently performing both routine “classical” MX experiments and fixed-target multi-position/multi-crystal data collections in a serial manner. The beamline has also adopted the recent time-resolved serial oscillation method (TR-SOX, Aumonier et al. 2020) which might aim for the time resolution of few milliseconds. Among the developments is the compact on-line microspectrometer which gives an opportunity to get spectroscopic information from the sample directly being on axis. These experiments will be in detail discussed in the webinar.