March 2023 ESRFnews
Cryo-electron microscopy workshop
23–25 May 2023
The 5th annual cryo-electron microscopy
workshop on sample preparation for single-
particle imaging has been organised this year
as a joint ESRF-Instruct event. Lasting two-
and-a-half days, the workshop is intended
to give scientists the opportunity to get an
intense hands-on experience in the optimal
preparation of sample grids for single-
particle imaging using this technique, which
is available at the ESRF CM01 facility. The
target participants are scientists, at the early
stage of their career and group leaders. As for
the previous courses, this workshop will be
run in close collaboration with the campus
institutes and with technical support from
ThermoFisher Scientific.
Synchrotron radiation safety workshop
30 April – 2 June 2023
The 11th International Workshop on
Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation
Sources provides a forum where radiation-
safety experts from synchrotron radiation
sources can meet and discuss radiation
safety and protection for the design,
operation and upgrade of present and
future facilities and beamlines. Held at the
ESRF, it aims to promote the exchange of
scientific information, identify areas of
improvement in radiation measurements
and shielding calculations, and initiate
collaborative efforts in radiation physics
between facilities. The deadline for abstract
submission is 31 March; the deadline for
registration is 15 April 2023.
Partnership for Structural Biology
symposium 6–7 July 2023
The fourth edition of the PSB biennial
symposium will focus on “Dynamics
in Structural Biology”, with the aim of
illustrating how big biological questions can
be resolved in structural biology through
the application of (interdisciplinary)
methodological approaches, enhancing
the understanding of the dynamic
behaviour of macromolecules. Held on
the EPN campus, it is organized by the
PSB in collaboration with the European
Molecular Biology Laboratory, the ESRF,
the Institut Laue-Langevin and the Institut
de Biologie Structurale. Fifteen speakers are
confirmed. More details to come at esrf.fr/
Alain Manceau, a regular
ESRF user based at the École
Normale Supérieure de
Lyon and CNRS in France,
is the lead author of a study
that shared the Best Paper
Award in the “environmental science” section
of the journal Environmental Science &
Technology (ES&T) in November last year.
Published in January 2021, the study drew
on X-ray absorbtion spectroscopy taken at
the ESRF’s ID26 beamline to show that
mercury detoxification in animals consumes
more selenium than previously thought,
suggesting that animals may still be at risk of
mercury poisoning even if there are relatively
high levels of selenium in the polluted
environment. It also revealed a new, possibly
universal biomineralisation mechanism. The
other authors of the paper were Anne-Claire
Gaillot of Nantes University in France, Pieter
Glatzel of the ESRF and Yves Cherel and
Paco Bustamante of the CNRS−La Rochelle
University in France Environ Sci Technol 55
1515 The journal editors particularly praised
the winners for the quality of science achieved
during the COVID19 pandemic They
represent not only their own unique brilliance
in presenting some of the best novel impactful
new research but also something more the
resilience determination and humanity of
the EST community the editors added
EST is published by the American Chemical
Society with an impact factor of 113 it
publishes more than 1600 papers every year
Robert Feidenhans’l is the
new chair of the board of
the MAX IV synchrotron
in Lund, Sweden. A
professor of X-ray physics
at the Niels Bohr Institute
in Copenhagen, Denmark, Feidenhans’l
is Chairman of the Management board of
the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
(XFEL) in Hamburg, Germany, and has
many years of experience in leading positions
at large research infrastructures and on
science boards and committees in Europe
and the US. He also has been chair of the
ESRF council, chair of the European XFEL
council and director of the Niels Bohr
Institute. “Robert is a fantastic asset for
MAX IV and for Sweden’s work on research
infrastructures,” says Erik Renström, the
vice-chancellor of Lund University. “He
is an internationally leading authority
on research with Xray radiation and has
extensive experience of strategic leadership
for international Xray infrastructures
such as the ESRF and European XFEL In
addition he has experience of industry in the
facilities work and is an excellent advocate
for education within the field Feidenhansl
says that he has cooperated closely with
MAX IV for many years As chair of the
board I am looking forward to ensuring that
MAX IV can develop in the long term so
that the facility continues to maintain its
worldclass standing at the very highest
level he added
Adrian Mancuso is the new
director of physical sciences
at Diamond Light Source.
Mancuso joins the UK’s
national synchrotron having
previously held the position
of group leader and leading scientist for the
single particles, clusters, and biomolecules
and serial femtosecond crystallography
instrument Group at the European X-ray
Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg, Germany;
he also holds an adjunct professorship in the
department of mathematical and physical
sciences at La Trobe University in Australia.
At Diamond, he will be responsible for
overall strategic leadership, direction and
management of the physical sciences division.
For over three years he was a member of its
scientific advisory committee, in which he
helped inform the technical and scientific
questions impacting the specification,
design commissioning and operation of the
facility We are delighted to have Adrian
join our team with the wealth of experience
he brings to the organisation says Adrian
Smith chairman of Diamonds board of
directors He not only has extensive scientific
leadership but also handson knowledge of
the pressure to deliver complex experiments
for users As a physicist his input into the
Diamond executive will be key and his strong
interest in technology development and
science strategy will be invaluable moving into
the detailed planning for DiamondII the
planned upgrade of the facility