March 2023 ESRFnews
Pressure destroys ionic bonds
Scientists from China and the US
have used the ESRF to demonstrate
that extreme pressure can destroy
ionic bonds. The study, which
involved state-of-the-art computer
modelling, saw the transition of
so-called superionic silver iodide
(AgI) into elemental silver and iodine.
The use of mechanical force to
prompt a chemical transition is well
known for organic materials, but less
so for inorganic compounds. Jianfu
Li at Yantai University in China and
colleagues simulated the behaviour of
AgI at high pressures using a “particle
swarm optimisation algorithm”,
before using a diamond anvil cell to
compress AgI powder to pressures
over 40 GPa at the ESRFs ID15B
Xray diffraction beamline
As predicted the AgI first formed
a superionic solid in which the
iodine component flows like a liquid
through the solid silver and then
decomposed into elemental silver
and iodine JACS Au doi101021
jacsau2c00550 Each bond has
its own chemical limit says group
member Qingyang Hu at the Centre
for High Pressure Science and
Technology Advanced Research in
Beijing. “In this superionic solid,
we have reached the chemical limit
of AgI by applying pressure … the
decomposition and the collapse
of ionicity.” He added that similar
transitions should occur in other ionic
solids such as silver chloride and silver
bromide, but at even higher pressures.
New ‘prodrug’ self-activates
Users of ESRF structural-biology
beamlines have discovered a type of
“produg” that activates itself, rather
than relying on enzymes or human
intervention. Led by the Institute
for Advanced Biosciences (IAB) and
the Institute of Structural Biology in
Grenoble, the research team believes
that the novel activation mechanism
could improve solubility, permeability
and metabolic stability.
A prodrug is a type of drug that
is biologically inactive until it is
metabolised into its therapeutically
active form, usually through
conversion by enzymes in the body or
human intervention. It is of interest
to medicine because it offers the
potential for the targeted delivery of a
drug to a specific area of the body.
The new prodrugs are in a class of
boron compounds called benzoxa-
boroles, including an antibiotic that
has recently completed phase II clinical
trials to cure tuberculosis. Instead
of binding directly to their target – a
key protein for protein synthesis,
leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) –
they react first with adenosine-based
biomolecules in the body, such as ATP,
to become active. The researchers
combined X-ray crystallography at
the ESRF with nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy to reveal how
the prodrugs do this at physiological
concentrations (J. Am. Chem. Soc.
145 800).
“No-one knew how this molecule
was forming the active drug with
adenosine-based biomolecules,” says
Andrés Palencia at the IAB. “We’ve
just proven this antibiotic is a prodrug,
and to our knowledge, the first one
that self-activates with adenosines.”
electrolysis studied
Scientists led by the Denmark
Technical University and the ESRF
have worked out why devices used
to convert carbon dioxide (CO
) into
useful chemicals become unstable
during use. The results should help
researchers to build better performing
devices, which could one day form part
of a circular carbon economy.
electrolysis, CO
and water
can be turned into chemicals such as
ethanol, ethylene or synthetic fuels
using electricity alone. The process
requires a membrane electrode
assembly, comprising a membrane,
catalytic layers and gas diffusion
electrodes (GDEs). In existing
laboratory devices, these electrodes
can become flooded, form salt deposits
and suffer performance losses, but
no-one has been sure why.
Asger Moss at the Technical
University of Denmark in Kongens
Lyngby and colleagues were assisted
by Jakub Drnec (below) and others
at the ESRF to monitor water and
bicarbonate formation in an operational
GDE, using X-ray diffraction at the ID31
beamline. Meanwhile, they used in-line
gas chromatography to link the changes
taking place in the device to the formed
products. “You can only do this kind of
experiment at a high-energy beamline
such as ours,” says Drnec.
The team found that when certain
salts form in the cathode GDE, they
cause water to collect and flood it, which
in turn promotes the chemical reaction
producing hydrogen. This causes the
total cell potential to drop and alters
ion transport through the membrane,
in an imbalanced, oscillatory manner.
“I believe these findings will help us
to build efficient and environmentally
friendly technologies for a CO
economy, a much needed step for a
sustainable future,” says Drnec.
The prodrug
studied by Andrés
Palencia (centre)
and colleagues
works without
enzyme or human
Phase diagram of silver iodide AgI At relatively low pressures
AgI exists in various solid phases IV II I before melting at
sufficiently high temperature At pressures above about 05 Gpa
AgI has an ionic structure like rock salt III or above about
10 GPa a superionic structure V Based on the new study the
background colour depicts the gradual transition of these ionic
structures blue to elemental silver and iodine green
J I A N F U L I / Y A N T A I U N I V E R S I T Y I N C H I N A