March 2024 ESRFnews
processes fatty acids, but the cryo-EM structure showed
that when it binds to ECSIT, it becomes roped into CI
assembly. However, the data also showed that when
phosphate groups are added to ECSIT, it interacts with
ACAD9 less – meaning the CI assembly slows down
(Nat. Commun. 14 8248).
It would be easy to think that this “phosphorylation”
is behind the dwindled activity of CI in advanced
Alzheimer’s sufferers. In fact, independent
experimental data taken from nerve cells in the early
stages of Alzheimer’s reveals less phosphorylation,
not more –implying not a hindering of CI, but a turbo
boost. “That’s why our results are a big surprise,” says
A surprise, but one that could make sense. According
to Soler-López, it is possible that runaway CI assembly
in early Alzheimer’s unsettles the mitochondrial
respiratory chain, leading to diminished CI activity
later on. Moreover, it would imply an over-generation of
free radicals, and a type of oxidative stress that is indeed
observed in patients with early Alzheimer’s. On this
basis, scientists could explore treatments that involve
the elimination of the free radicals. And yet there are
still the amyloids and their precursors, which, according
to other recent research may well accumulate within
the mitochondria themselves Is the assembly complex
affecting the amyloids or are the amyloids affecting the
assembly complex asks SolerLópez
Fortunately there is hope to solve this enduring
chickenandegg mystery ID29 the ESRFs new EBS
flagship beamline for serial crystallography By studying
the structural changes of the complexes over time
researchers might be able to figure out which feature
comes first Thats what we need says SolerLópez
The fourth dimension
Jon Cartwright
oxidising derivatives of glucose to generate adenosine
triphosphate or ATP, the biological currency of energy.
This respiration is a complex process, involving five
protein “mega complexes” – collectively known as the
mitochondrial respiratory chain – which deftly juggle
protons and electrons among the reactants until ATP
pops out.
Some cells have very few mitochondria – indeed,
mature red blood cells have none at all. Some, such as
neurons, have lots. Thanks to its energy demand, a single
neuron is estimated to have hundreds of thousands of
these microscopic respirators, possibly even millions. If
they begin to malfunction, the neuron is depleted and
cannot function properly. And here the neuron exposes
its unique and fatal characteristic, for unlike other cells
it cannot – except in exceptional circumstances – be
regenerated. By and large, every neuron that suffocates
is gone for good.
Old idea
The idea that mitochondrial health could be behind
Alzheimer’s actually goes back over 30 years, but was not
studied in molecular detail until Soler-López began her
research. One of her starting points has been the intrigu-
ing fact that by the time Alzheimers is well underway the
activity of the first protein megacomplex complex one
or CI drops to 40 of what it would be normally To
understand why she uses the full suite of ESRF structural
tools smallangle Xray scattering crystallography and
cryogenic electronmicroscopy cryoEM to probe
upstream in the molecular protein complex that helps CI
assemble This complex is known as the mitochondrial
complex I assembly or MCIA and it consists of three core
proteins ECSIT ACAD9 and NDUFAF1
Last year SolerLópez used cryoEM to determine
the structure of the complex formed between ECSIT
and ACAD9 On its own ACAD9 is an enzyme that
“There is
hope to
solve this
E S R F/ S T E F C A N D É
The ESRF’s Montserrat Soler-López uses the full suite of ESRF structural tools to probe the mitochondrial respiratory chain.
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