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Diamond XBPM
Readout System
XANDY is the readout system for X-ray
beam monitoring in Synchrotron Light
Sources. XANDY is used for X-ray
beam diagnostics in combination with
the CIVIDEC Diamond XBPM
It is configured for experimental beam
lines for high-precision X-ray beam
position and beam intensity monitor-
ing. It provides real-time diagnostics
with 24 bit resolution and sampling
rates up to 1 MHz.
XANDY is controlled remotely via
EPICS or TANGO and a Web-interface
with GUI is also available. A PID
controller for beam position control is
provided using two 16-bit DAC
System features
Sampling rate
Bias supply
Control system
DAC feedback
24 bit
1 1 MHz
1 pA 1 mA
0 50 V
API integration
2x 16 bit 10 V
Amplifiers are included in XANDY. They have a
working range from 1 pA to 1 mA per channel.
The analogue bandwidth can be customised up
to 10 kHz.
The amplifiers are designed to protect the gap of
the Diamond XBPM
Detector from damage in
the case of high beam loads. They provide
excellent linearity, low noise and enable a
position resolution of 1e-4.
The Diamond XBPM
Detector is a four
quadrant beam intercepting detector. It is based
on electronic grade sCVD diamond. A thickness
of 20 µm is available for soft and tender X-rays
and 50 µm for hard X-rays.
The precision is determined by the 2 µm gap.
This small gap allows the measurement of
sub-micrometre beams. A parking position is
available for surpassing the X-ray beam without
No controller With controller
Drifting beam
Stabilised beam
CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH
interference. The Diamond XBPM
is mounted in
a solid metal housing.
A measurement was performed at MAX IV
Laboratory at the NanoMAX Beamline to test the
Diamond XBPM
in combination with XANDY.
The integrated PID controller of the XANDY was
tested (in collaboration with beamline scientist
Sebastian Kalbfleisch).
The feedback was applied via two analogue DAC
output channels to control the beam position.
Results are shown below (courtesy Sebastian
Kalbfleisch, MAX IV). The drifting beam is shown
on the left side and the stabilised beam on the
right side.
The precision of the stabilised beam is below
362 nm (RMS) with a beam size of 150.2 µm
Figure. Beam position
with and without using
the XANDY readout
system courtesy
Sebastian Kalbfleisch
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