March 2024 ESRFnews
Jean Susini
is to be the next
director general
of the SOLEIL
Taking over from
Jean Daillant (see
left) in September,
Susini has been
scientific director
for life sciences at
the facility; he was
previously also
ESRF director for
research in the life
sciences during
its upgrade to the
Susini will head
SOLEIL at the start
of its own upgrade to
a fourth generation
synchrotron light source The SOLEIL II project is a technological
scientific and human adventure in which everyones involvement
will be essential he said in a statement SOLEIL II is a unique
opportunity not only to consolidate SOLEILs position of excellence
but also to perpetuate the French tradition of synchrotron radiation
for future generations I would like to thank the members of the
Council for their trust The mission in the specific context of the
SOLEIL II programme is not only a great honour but also a great
responsibility and I am fully aware of the commitment it entails
Pantaleo Raimondi,
the architect of
the “hybrid multi-
bend achromat”
synchrotron lattice,
which is the basis
of the ESRF–EBS
and many other
future synchrotron
upgrades, has become
the new leader of the
Proton Improvement
Plan II (PIP-II)
project at Fermilab
in Illinois, US. PIP-II
will involve the
construction of a
215 m stateofthe
art superconducting
linear accelerator
which will generate
proton beams as well as the worlds most intense neutrino beam for
particlephysics research Previously the beam dynamics group head at
the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource in California US
Raimondi has succeeded PIPIIs interim director Rich Stanek and
its former permanent director Lia Merminga who went on to become
director of Fermilab itself in 2022 Raimondis leadership on
the ESRF light source upgrade shows us that the PIPII project is in more
than capable hands said Merminga We couldnt have found a better
person to lead our flagship accelerator project
Fluid dynamics meets synchrotron
X-ray high-speed imaging
21–22 March 2024
Held in the ESRF auditorium, and backed
by the European STREAMLINE project,
this workshop will highlight the ability of
synchrotron X-ray imaging to investigate
fast f luid dynamics problems, and to
bring together scientists experienced in
these techniques as well as those who are
interested in using them. It will be a unique
platform to hold discussions about areas
and specif ic problems in f luid dynamics
that can benef it from fast X-ray imaging.
Participants will also learn how to apply
for access, and how to prepare and conduct
a successful experimental campaign,
using either environments available
at the beamline or their own setups.
Contact f luid-dynamics@esrf.fr for more
OBat: The international operando
battery days
12–14 June 2024
This conference, held at the World Trade
Center of Grenoble, is dedicated to the
characterisation of batteries by means of
advanced operando techniques, both
in-lab and at large-scale synchrotron,
neutron and muon facilities. The
programme will focus on advanced
characterisation tools and methods applied
to probe the bulk and interfacial properties
of active materials in battery devices. It will
present the most recent developments and
progress to observe and map the evolving
structures, including phase transitions,
redox mechanisms, interfacial reactions,
ageing and transport, in relation to
materials composition, design and battery
operating conditions.
17th international conference on
surface X-ray and neutron scattering
15–18 July 2024
Held in the ESRF auditorium, SXNS17
will bring together researchers studying
surfaces and interfaces in solid, liquid,
biological, soft and hard condensed matter,
via neutron or (primarily synchrotron)
X-ray scattering techniques. The topics
covered include instrumentation, studies
of nanostructured surfaces and interfaces,
surfaces and interfaces in soft matter,
biological interfaces, magnetic thin
films and interfaces, magnetic proximity
effects, topological materials, emergent
interfacial materials, and the dynamics of
surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures.
The submission deadline for abstracts is
30 April, while registration is open until
1 June 2024. https://workshops.ill.fr/
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