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Meet us at EuroNanoForum 2021


The Analytical Research Infrastructure in Europe (ARIEs), including ESRF, will be present at the EuroNanoForum 2021 with a virtual stand on 5-6 May. EuroNanoForum 2021 is Europe's major conference for Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials. This event is particularly focused research and innovation for nano-enabled technologies and industry.


The event will share insights on technical, industrial and social challenges, related to Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, highlighting their benefits and practical challenges, with regards to safety, health, clean technologies and the environment, as well as ethical and societal issues. These ambitious goals of a greener, digital, resilient and sustainable economy and society will be discussed within a space open for co-creation of innovative solutions, bringing together key actors and stakeholders.

ARIE is the European network of over 120 high-level research infrastructure facilities which provides services to enable European researchers to address the Missions of Horizon Europe. They include powerful photon sources, such as synchrotrons, laser systems and free-electron lasers; sources of neutrons, ions and other particle beams; and facilities dedicated to advanced electron-microscopy and high magnetic fields. They are centres of scientific and technological excellence, delivering services, data and know-how to a growing and diverse user community of more than 40,000 researchers in academia and industry, across a range of domains: the physical sciences, energy, engineering, the environment and the earth sciences, as well as medicine, health, food and cultural heritage.

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