ICV150 #1
    [ doc ]

    ICV150 32 current inputs ( 12 bits )

    They were once configured for pressure and temperature readings. Detailed information is not yet available.

    Device Server Name: id3/adc031_1/1
    Resource File: ID031Adc1.res
    Application: spec by using adc macros to define pseudocounters.

    Note: Channels in spec go from 0 to 31

    Calibration Range: (value returned corresponding to min and max current:)

      Channel 0: -25 , 475
      Channel 1: -25 , 475
      Channel 2: -25 , 475
      Channel 3: -25 , 475
      Channel 4: -25 , 475
      Channel 5: -200 , 300
      Channel 6: -50 , 110
      Channel 7: -200 , 300
      Channel 8: -200 , 300
      Channel 9: -50 , 110
      Channel 10 to 31: 0 , 40