    [ doc ]

    ICV712/8 8 Analog outputs ( 12 bits )

    Plugs available in experimental hutch 2.

    Device Server Name: id3/dac031/ ch_number ( from 1 to 8 )
    Resource File: ID031Dac1.res
    Application: spec by using dac macros to define pseudomotors.

    Output Range:
      Channel 1: -10V , 10V
      Channel 2: 0V , 10V
      Channel 3: 0V , 10V
      Channel 4: 0V , 10V
      Channel 5: -10V , 10V
      Channel 6: -10V , 10V
      Channel 7: 0V , 10V
      Channel 8: 0V , 10V