The roughly 140 shifts at each DUBBLE beam line yearly available to Flemish researchers are allocated through a system which closely mirrors that of the ESRF. Proposals are evaluated for two scheduling periods per year and are collected at deadlines on 1st April and 15th October. Users submit their proposals via the ESRF user portal, using the ESRF formats. These proposals are forwarded to the DUBBLE project leader for a technical assessment and then to the Review Committee, a panel of independent, international experts in the DUBBLE techniques. Each Review Committee member (of which there are typically five) independently grades the proposals on their scientific and technological relevance and submits the result to the DUBBLE Executive Committee who combines all the scores into a priority list which is accepted as is, unless the technical feasibility report by the project leader would advise against a given proposal. Occasionally, the number of requested shifts is amended on technical grounds. Shifts are allocated from the top to the bottom of the list up to when the amount of available shifts has been reached. 

The priority list is ultimately forwarded to the DUBBLE steering committee for ratification. The downstream handling and execution of experiments at DUBBLE from there on follows the ESRF procedure, safety aspects included. Flemish DUBBLE users can make use of the ESRF facilities, including the on-site guest house and canteen against payment.

Users, identified as being new by the Executive Committee are granted beam time for a limited number of shifts (typically 9), irrespective of the position the proposal obtained in the priority list. In that way, the application for beam time by new users is encouraged. This mechanism permits new users to gain experience, which can be put at work in the formulation of new proposals for beam time at DUBBLE or other ESRF beam lines.

Please note that besides for SAXS/WAXD (at BM26) and X-ray spectroscopy (at BM14), Flemish users can also apply for beam time at the Swiss-Norwegian Beamlines (SNBL; BM01, BM31) in the framework of a beam time exchange agreement with SNBL. The interested users should still select the DUBBLE beamlines for their proposals and indicate in the proposal text that they would like to do their experiment at the Swiss-Norwegian beamline.

For further information on how to apply for beam time at BM26, BM14 or the SNBL beamlines as Flemish user please follow this link for application procedures for Flemish users.

Here you can find more ESRF Practical Information.


Besides regular proposals for a limited number of beam time shifts, Flemish DUBBLE users may also submit Long-Term proposals (LTPs), requesting a long-term commitment to provide beam time during up to four successive scheduling periods (two years). Scientific excellence is the primary criterion for the acceptance of an LTP. Further criteria are: (a) a commitment from the proposing user group concerning the contribution of financial, technical and/or human resources during the implementation of the LTP and (b) an identifiable benefit to the user community (such as a new technique, a new instrument or new possibilities for the beamline) expected to result from the successful accomplishment of the goals of the LTP. Each LTP undergoes a two-step appraisal procedure, the first step taking place at the project definition by the DUBBLE Project Leader, and the second carried out by the DUBBLE Executive Committee. Ratification follows in the DUBBLE Steering committee. Once approved, the objectives of the LTP are integrated within the DUBBLE work plan. The LTP progress is periodically evaluated by the DUBBLE Executive committee.  Through the option of LTPs user groups are stimulated to actively participate in developments at DUBBLE. To not endanger the regular user program, the granting of LTPs is limited.

Guidelines and application form for Long Term Proposals.