Laue Publications (2015-2020)
[LT] Data Analysis with LaueTools
[LT] Michaud L.G., Castán C., Zussy M., Montméat P., Mareau V.H., Gonon L., Fournel F., Rieutord F., Tardif S. -” Elaboration and characterization of a 200 mm stretchable and flexible ultra-thin semi-conductor film” Nanotechnology 31, 145302-1-145302-7 (2020)
[LT] Ren Z., Cornelius T.W., Leclere C., Davydok A., Micha J.S., Robach O., Richter G., Thomas O. -” First stages of plasticity in three-point bent Au nanowires detected by in situ Laue microdiffraction” Applied Physics Letters 116, 243101-1-243101-6 (2020)
[LT] Hektor, Johan, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Stephen A. Hall, Srinivasan Iyengar, and Matti Ristinmaa. “Long Term Evolution of Microstructure and Stress around Tin Whiskers Investigated Using Scanning Laue Microdiffraction.” Acta Materialia 168 (2019): 210–21.
[LT] Plancher, Emeric, Pouya Tajdary, Thierry Auger, Olivier Castelnau, Véronique Favier, Dominique Loisnard, Jean-Baptiste Marijon, et al. “Validity of Crystal Plasticity Models Near Grain Boundaries: Contribution of Elastic Strain Measurements at Micron Scale.” JOM 71, no. 10 (2019): 3543–51
[LT] Cornelius, Thomas W., and Olivier Thomas. “Progress of in Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Studies on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials at Small Scales.” Progress in Materials Science 94 (2018): 384–434.
[LT] Hektor, Johan, Jean-Baptiste Marijon, Matti Ristinmaa, Stephen A. Hall, Håkan Hallberg, Srinivasan Iyengar, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Odile Robach, Fanny Grennerat, and Olivier Castelnau. “Evidence of 3D Strain Gradients Associated with Tin Whisker Growth.” Scripta Materialia 144 (2018): 1–4
[LT] Altinkurt, G., M. Fèvre, G. Geandier, M. Dehmas, O. Robach, and J.-S. Micha. “Local Strain Redistribution in a Coarse-Grained Nickel-Based Superalloy Subjected to Shot-Peening, Fatigue or Thermal Exposure Investigated Using Synchrotron X-Ray Laue Microdiffraction.” Journal of Materials Science 53, no. 11 (2018): 8567–89
[LT] Ors, T., J.-S. Micha, N. Gey, V. Michel, O. Castelnau, and R. Guinebretiere. “EBSD-Assisted Laue Microdiffraction for Microstrain Analysis.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, no. 1 (2018): 55–67.
[LT] Shin, J., T. W. Cornelius, S. Labat, F. Lauraux, M.-I. Richard, G. Richter, N. P. Blanchard, D. S. Gianola, and O. Thomas. “In Situ Bragg Coherent X-Ray Diffraction during Tensile Testing of an Individual Au Nanowire.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, no. 3 (2018): 781–88.
[LT] Boullier, Anne-Marie, Odile Robach, Benoît Ildefonse, Fabrice Barou, David Mainprice, Tomoyuki Ohtani, and Koichiro Fujimoto. “High Stresses Stored in Fault Zones: Example of the Nojima Fault (Japan).” Solid Earth 9, no. 2 (2018): 505–29
[LT] Ren, Z., T. W. Cornelius, C. Leclere, A. Davydok, J.-S. Micha, O. Robach, G. Richter, and O. Thomas. “Three-Point Bending Behavior of a Au Nanowire Studied by in-Situ Laue Micro-Diffraction.” Journal of Applied Physics 124, no. 18 (2018): 185104
[LT]Ren, Z., T. W. Cornelius, C. Leclere, A. Davydok, J.-S. Micha, O. Robach, G. Richter, and O. Thomas. “Plasticity in Inhomogeneously Strained Au Nanowires Studied by Laue Microdiffraction.” MRS Advances 3, no. 39 (ed 2018): 2331–39
[LT] Malyar, N. V., J. -S. Micha, G. Dehm, and C. Kirchlechner. “Dislocation-Twin Boundary Interaction in Small Scale Cu Bi-Crystals Loaded in Different Crystallographic Directions.” Acta Materialia 129 (2017): 91–97
[LT] Malyar, N. V., J. S. Micha, G. Dehm, and C. Kirchlechner. “Size Effect in Bi-Crystalline Micropillars with a Penetrable High Angle Grain Boundary.” Acta Materialia 129 (2017): 312–20
[LT] Reboud, V., A. Gassenq, J. M. Hartmann, J. Widiez, L. Virot, J. Aubin, K. Guilloy, et al. “Germanium Based Photonic Components toward a Full Silicon/Germanium Photonic Platform.” Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 63, no. 2 (2017): 1–24.
Abboud, A., C. Kirchlechner, J. Keckes, T. Conka Nurdan, S. Send, J. S. Micha, O. Ulrich, R. Hartmann, L. Strüder, and U. Pietsch. “Single-Shot Full Strain Tensor Determination with Microbeam X-Ray Laue Diffraction and a Two-Dimensional Energy-Dispersive Detector.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, no. 3 (2017): 901–8.
[LT] Altinkurt, G., M. Fèvre, O. Robach, J.-S. Micha, G. Geandier, and M. Dehmas. “Full Elastic Strain Tensor Determination at the Phase Scale in a Powder Metallurgy Nickel-Based Superalloy Using X-Ray Laue Microdiffraction.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, no. 6 (2017): 1754–65.
[LT] Plancher, E., V. Favier, C. Maurice, E. Bosso, N. Rupin, J. Stodolna, D. Loisnard, et al. “Direct Measurement of Local Constitutive Relations, at the Micrometre Scale, in Bulk Metallic Alloys.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, no. 3 (2017): 940–48.
Zhang, F. G., M. Bornert, J. Petit, and O. Castelnau. “Accuracy of Stress Measurement by Laue Microdiffraction (Laue-DIC Method): The Influence of Image Noise, Calibration Errors and Spot Number.” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24, no. 4 (2017): 802–17.
[LT] Ibrahim, M., É. Castelier, H. Palancher, M. Bornert, S. Caré, and J. -S. Micha. “Mechanical Behaviour near Grain Boundaries of He-Implanted UO2 Ceramic Polycrystals.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 483 (2017): 13–20.
[LT] Gassenq, A., S. Tardif, K. Guilloy, I. Duchemin, N. Pauc, J. M. Hartmann, D. Rouchon, et al. “Raman-Strain Relations in Highly Strained Ge: Uniaxial ⟨100⟩, ⟨110⟩ and Biaxial (001) Stress.” Journal of Applied Physics 121, no. 5 (2017): 055702
Guerain, Mathieu, Jean-Luc Grosseau-Poussard, Guillaume Geandier, Benoit Panicaud, Nobumichi Tamura, Martin Kunz, Catherine Dejoie, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Dominique Thiaudière, and Philippe Goudeau. “Residual Stress Determination in Oxide Layers at Different Length Scales Combining Raman Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction: Application to Chromia-Forming Metallic Alloys.” Journal of Applied Physics 122, no. 19 (2017): 195105
[LT] Tuaz, Aymeric, Philippe Ballet, Xavier Biquard, and François Rieutord. “Micro-Diffraction Investigation of Localized Strain in Mesa-Etched HgCdTe Photodiodes.” Journal of Electronic Materials 46, no. 9 (2017): 5442–47.
[LT]Gassenq, A., S. Tardif, K. Guilloy, N. Pauc, M. Bertrand, D. Rouchon, J. M. Hartmann, et al. “High-Quality and Homogeneous 200-Mm GeOI Wafers Processed for High Strain Induction in Ge.” In Silicon Photonics XII, 10108:101081B. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2017).
[LT] Philippi, Bastian, Christoph Kirchlechner, Jean Sébastien Micha, and Gerhard Dehm. “Size and Orientation Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Body-Centered Tetragonal Sn at 0.6 of the Melting Temperature.” Acta Materialia 115 (2016): 76–82
[LT] Guilloy, Kevin, Nicolas Pauc, Alban Gassenq, Yann-Michel Niquet, Jose-Maria Escalante, Ivan Duchemin, Samuel Tardif, et al. “Germanium under High Tensile Stress: Nonlinear Dependence of Direct Band Gap vs Strain.” ACS Photonics 3, no. 10 (2016): 1907–11
[LT] Davydok, Anton, Balila Nagamani Jaya, Odile Robach, Olivier Ulrich, Jean-Sébastien Micha, and Christoph Kirchlechner. “Analysis of the Full Stress Tensor in a Micropillar: Ability of and Difficulties Arising during Synchrotron Based ΜLaue Diffraction.” Materials & Design 108 (2016): 68–75
[LT]Gassenq, A., S. Tardif, K. Guilloy, G. Osvaldo Dias, N. Pauc, I. Duchemin, D. Rouchon, et al. “Accurate Strain Measurements in Highly Strained Ge Microbridges.” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 24 (2016): 241902
[LT] Tardif, S., A. Gassenq, K. Guilloy, N. Pauc, G. Osvaldo Dias, J.-M. Hartmann, J. Widiez, et al. “Lattice Strain and Tilt Mapping in Stressed Ge Microstructures Using X-Ray Laue Micro-Diffraction and Rainbow Filtering.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 49, no. 5 (2016): 1402–11.
[LT] Leclere, C., T. W. Cornelius, Z. Ren, O. Robach, J.-S. Micha, A. Davydok, O. Ulrich, G. Richter, and O. Thomas. “KB Scanning of X-Ray Beam for Laue Microdiffraction on Accelero-Phobic Samples: Application to in Situ Mechanically Loaded Nanowires.” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23, no. 6 (2016): 1395–1400.
[LT]Plancher, E., J. Petit, C. Maurice, V. Favier, L. Saintoyant, D. Loisnard, N. Rupin, et al. “On the Accuracy of Elastic Strain Field Measurements by Laue Microdiffraction and High-Resolution EBSD: A Cross-Validation Experiment.” Experimental Mechanics 56, no. 3 (2016): 483–92
[LT] Auzelle, Thomas, Xavier Biquard, Edith Bellet-Amalric, Zhihua Fang, Hervé Roussel, Ana Cros, and Bruno Daudin. “Unraveling the Strain State of GaN down to Single Nanowires.” Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 22 (2016): 225701
[LT] Deluca, Marco, René Hammer, Jozef Keckes, Jochen Kraft, Franz Schrank, Juraj Todt, Odile Robach, Jean-Sébastien Micha, and Stefan Defregger. “Integrated Experimental and Computational Approach for Residual Stress Investigation near Through-Silicon Vias.” Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 19 (2016): 195104.
[LT] Jeffrey M. Wheeler, Christoph Kirchlechner, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Johann Michler & Daniel Kiener “The effect of size on the strength of FCC metals at elevated temperatures: annealed copper” Philosophical Magazine, 96:32-34, 3379-3395, (2016)
[LT] Vianne, B., S. Escoubas, C. Krauss, M. -I. Richard, S. Labat, G. Chahine, J. -S. Micha, et al. “Temperature Dependency of the Strain Distribution Induced by TSVs in Silicon: A Comparative Study between Micro-Laue and Monochromatic Nano-Diffraction.” Microelectronic Engineering, MAM (Materials for Advanced Metallization) 2015, 156 (2016): 59–64.
[LT] Sanchez, Dario Ferreira, Shay Reboh, Monica Larissa Djomeni Weleguela, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Odile Robach, Thierry Mourier, Patrice Gergaud, and Pierre Bleuet. “In-Situ X-Ray ΜLaue Diffraction Study of Copper through-Silicon Vias.” Microelectronics Reliability 56 (2016): 78–84
[LT]Guilloy, K., A. Gassenq, N. Pauc, J. Maria Escalante Fernandez, I. Duchemin, Y.-Michel Niquet, S. Tardif, et al. “Nonlinear Strain Dependences in Highly Strained Germanium Micromembranes for On-Chip Light Source Applications” In Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits V, 9891:98910X. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016)
[LT] Zabel, T; Marin, E; Geiger, R; Bozon, C; Tardif, S; Guilloy, K; Gassenq, A; Escalante, J; Niquet, YM; Duchemin, ”Highly strained direct bandgap Germanium cavities for a monolithic laser on Si Group IV Photonics (GFP)” 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference 40-41 (2016)
[LT] Gassenq, A; Guilloy, K; Tardif, S; Escalante, J; Niquet, YM; Duchemin, I; Hartmann, JM; Rouchon, D; Widiez, J; Rothman, J “Non-linear bandgap strain dependence in highly strained germanium using strain redistribution in 200 mm GeOI wafers for laser applications” Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference, 104-105 (2016)
[LT] Guilloy, Kevin, Nicolas Pauc, Alban Gassenq, Pascal Gentile, Samuel Tardif, François Rieutord, and Vincent Calvo. “Tensile Strained Germanium Nanowires Measured by Photocurrent Spectroscopy and X-Ray Microdiffraction.” Nano Letters 15, no. 4 (2015): 2429–33
[LT] Kirchlechner, C., P. J. Imrich, W. Liegl, J. Pörnbacher, J. -S. Micha, O. Ulrich, and C. Motz. “On the Reversibility of Dislocation Slip during Small Scale Low Cycle Fatigue.” Acta Materialia 94 (2015): 69–77
[LT] Ferreira Sanchez, D., J. Villanova, J. Laurencin, J.-S. Micha, A. Montani, P. Gergaud, and P. Bleuet. “X-Ray Micro Laue Diffraction Tomography Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, no. 2 (2015): 357–64.
[LT] Ibrahim, M., É Castelier, H. Palancher, M. Bornert, S. Caré, and J.-S. Micha. “Laue Pattern Analysis for Two-Dimensional Strain Mapping in Light-Ion-Implanted Polycrystals.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, no. 4 (2015): 990–99
[LT] Leclere, C., T. W. Cornelius, Z. Ren, A. Davydok, J.-S. Micha, O. Robach, G. Richter, L. Belliard, and O. Thomas. “In Situ Bending of an Au Nanowire Monitored by Micro Laue Diffraction.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, no. 1 (2015): 291–96.
Zhang, F. G., O. Castelnau, M. Bornert, J. Petit, J. B. Marijon, and E. Plancher. “Determination of Deviatoric Elastic Strain and Lattice Orientation by Applying Digital Image Correlation to Laue Microdiffraction Images: The Enhanced Laue-DIC Method.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 48, no. 6 (2015): 1805–17.
[LT] Petit, J., O. Castelnau, M. Bornert, F. G. Zhang, F. Hofmann, A. M. Korsunsky, D. Faurie, et al. “Laue-DIC: A New Method for Improved Stress Field Measurements at the Micrometer Scale.” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22, no. 4 (2015): 980–94.
[LT] Fonović, Matej, Andreas Leineweber, Odile Robach, Eric A. Jägle, and Eric J. Mittemeijer. “The Nature and Origin of ‘Double Expanded Austenite’ in Ni-Based Ni-Ti Alloys Developing Upon Low Temperature Gaseous Nitriding.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, no. 9 (2015): 4115–31
[LT] Vianne, B., C. Krauss, S. Escoubas, M.-I. Richard, S. Labat, G. Chahine, T. Schüllli, et al. “Effect of the Temperature on the Strain Distribution Induced in Silicon Interposer by TSVs: A Comparison between Micro-Laue and Monochromatic Nanodiffraction.” In 2015 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference and 2015 IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (IITC/MAM), 59–62, (2015)
And Others 2006-2014 to be added
Laue Publications
[LT] Data Analysis with LaueTools
[LT] Michaud L.G., Castán C., Zussy M., Montméat P., Mareau V.H., Gonon L., Fournel F., Rieutord F., Tardif S. -” Elaboration and characterization of a 200 mm stretchable and flexible ultra-thin semi-conductor film” Nanotechnology 31, 145302-1-145302-7 (2020)
[LT] Ren Z., Cornelius T.W., Leclere C., Davydok A., Micha J.S., Robach O., Richter G., Thomas O. -” First stages of plasticity in three-point bent Au nanowires detected by in situ Laue microdiffraction” Applied Physics Letters 116, 243101-1-243101-6 (2020)
[LT] Hektor, Johan, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Stephen A. Hall, Srinivasan Iyengar, and Matti Ristinmaa. “Long Term Evolution of Microstructure and Stress around Tin Whiskers Investigated Using Scanning Laue Microdiffraction.” Acta Materialia 168 (2019): 210–21.
[LT] Plancher, Emeric, Pouya Tajdary, Thierry Auger, Olivier Castelnau, Véronique Favier, Dominique Loisnard, Jean-Baptiste Marijon, et al. “Validity of Crystal Plasticity Models Near Grain Boundaries: Contribution of Elastic Strain Measurements at Micron Scale.” JOM 71, no. 10 (2019): 3543–51
[LT] Cornelius, Thomas W., and Olivier Thomas. “Progress of in Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Studies on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials at Small Scales.” Progress in Materials Science 94 (2018): 384–434.
[LT] Hektor, Johan, Jean-Baptiste Marijon, Matti Ristinmaa, Stephen A. Hall, Håkan Hallberg, Srinivasan Iyengar, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Odile Robach, Fanny Grennerat, and Olivier Castelnau. “Evidence of 3D Strain Gradients Associated with Tin Whisker Growth.” Scripta Materialia 144 (2018): 1–4
[LT] Altinkurt, G., M. Fèvre, G. Geandier, M. Dehmas, O. Robach, and J.-S. Micha. “Local Strain Redistribution in a Coarse-Grained Nickel-Based Superalloy Subjected to Shot-Peening, Fatigue or Thermal Exposure Investigated Using Synchrotron X-Ray Laue Microdiffraction.” Journal of Materials Science 53, no. 11 (2018): 8567–89
[LT] Ors, T., J.-S. Micha, N. Gey, V. Michel, O. Castelnau, and R. Guinebretiere. “EBSD-Assisted Laue Microdiffraction for Microstrain Analysis.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, no. 1 (2018): 55–67.
[LT] Shin, J., T. W. Cornelius, S. Labat, F. Lauraux, M.-I. Richard, G. Richter, N. P. Blanchard, D. S. Gianola, and O. Thomas. “In Situ Bragg Coherent X-Ray Diffraction during Tensile Testing of an Individual Au Nanowire.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, no. 3 (2018): 781–88.
[LT] Boullier, Anne-Marie, Odile Robach, Benoît Ildefonse, Fabrice Barou, David Mainprice, Tomoyuki Ohtani, and Koichiro Fujimoto. “High Stresses Stored in Fault Zones: Example of the Nojima Fault (Japan).” Solid Earth 9, no. 2 (2018): 505–29
[LT] Ren, Z., T. W. Cornelius, C. Leclere, A. Davydok, J.-S. Micha, O. Robach, G. Richter, and O. Thomas. “Three-Point Bending Behavior of a Au Nanowire Studied by in-Situ Laue Micro-Diffraction.” Journal of Applied Physics 124, no. 18 (2018): 185104
[LT]Ren, Z., T. W. Cornelius, C. Leclere, A. Davydok, J.-S. Micha, O. Robach, G. Richter, and O. Thomas. “Plasticity in Inhomogeneously Strained Au Nanowires Studied by Laue Microdiffraction.” MRS Advances 3, no. 39 (ed 2018): 2331–39
[LT] Malyar, N. V., J. -S. Micha, G. Dehm, and C. Kirchlechner. “Dislocation-Twin Boundary Interaction in Small Scale Cu Bi-Crystals Loaded in Different Crystallographic Directions.” Acta Materialia 129 (2017): 91–97
[LT] Malyar, N. V., J. S. Micha, G. Dehm, and C. Kirchlechner. “Size Effect in Bi-Crystalline Micropillars with a Penetrable High Angle Grain Boundary.” Acta Materialia 129 (2017): 312–20
[LT] Reboud, V., A. Gassenq, J. M. Hartmann, J. Widiez, L. Virot, J. Aubin, K. Guilloy, et al. “Germanium Based Photonic Components toward a Full Silicon/Germanium Photonic Platform.” Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 63, no. 2 (2017): 1–24.
Abboud, A., C. Kirchlechner, J. Keckes, T. Conka Nurdan, S. Send, J. S. Micha, O. Ulrich, R. Hartmann, L. Strüder, and U. Pietsch. “Single-Shot Full Strain Tensor Determination with Microbeam X-Ray Laue Diffraction and a Two-Dimensional Energy-Dispersive Detector.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, no. 3 (2017): 901–8.
[LT] Altinkurt, G., M. Fèvre, O. Robach, J.-S. Micha, G. Geandier, and M. Dehmas. “Full Elastic Strain Tensor Determination at the Phase Scale in a Powder Metallurgy Nickel-Based Superalloy Using X-Ray Laue Microdiffraction.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, no. 6 (2017): 1754–65.
[LT] Plancher, E., V. Favier, C. Maurice, E. Bosso, N. Rupin, J. Stodolna, D. Loisnard, et al. “Direct Measurement of Local Constitutive Relations, at the Micrometre Scale, in Bulk Metallic Alloys.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, no. 3 (2017): 940–48.
Zhang, F. G., M. Bornert, J. Petit, and O. Castelnau. “Accuracy of Stress Measurement by Laue Microdiffraction (Laue-DIC Method): The Influence of Image Noise, Calibration Errors and Spot Number.” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24, no. 4 (2017): 802–17.
[LT] Ibrahim, M., É. Castelier, H. Palancher, M. Bornert, S. Caré, and J. -S. Micha. “Mechanical Behaviour near Grain Boundaries of He-Implanted UO2 Ceramic Polycrystals.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 483 (2017): 13–20.
[LT] Gassenq, A., S. Tardif, K. Guilloy, I. Duchemin, N. Pauc, J. M. Hartmann, D. Rouchon, et al. “Raman-Strain Relations in Highly Strained Ge: Uniaxial ⟨100⟩, ⟨110⟩ and Biaxial (001) Stress.” Journal of Applied Physics 121, no. 5 (2017): 055702
Guerain, Mathieu, Jean-Luc Grosseau-Poussard, Guillaume Geandier, Benoit Panicaud, Nobumichi Tamura, Martin Kunz, Catherine Dejoie, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Dominique Thiaudière, and Philippe Goudeau. “Residual Stress Determination in Oxide Layers at Different Length Scales Combining Raman Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction: Application to Chromia-Forming Metallic Alloys.” Journal of Applied Physics 122, no. 19 (2017): 195105
[LT] Tuaz, Aymeric, Philippe Ballet, Xavier Biquard, and François Rieutord. “Micro-Diffraction Investigation of Localized Strain in Mesa-Etched HgCdTe Photodiodes.” Journal of Electronic Materials 46, no. 9 (2017): 5442–47.
[LT]Gassenq, A., S. Tardif, K. Guilloy, N. Pauc, M. Bertrand, D. Rouchon, J. M. Hartmann, et al. “High-Quality and Homogeneous 200-Mm GeOI Wafers Processed for High Strain Induction in Ge.” In Silicon Photonics XII, 10108:101081B. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2017).
[LT] Philippi, Bastian, Christoph Kirchlechner, Jean Sébastien Micha, and Gerhard Dehm. “Size and Orientation Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Body-Centered Tetragonal Sn at 0.6 of the Melting Temperature.” Acta Materialia 115 (2016): 76–82
[LT] Guilloy, Kevin, Nicolas Pauc, Alban Gassenq, Yann-Michel Niquet, Jose-Maria Escalante, Ivan Duchemin, Samuel Tardif, et al. “Germanium under High Tensile Stress: Nonlinear Dependence of Direct Band Gap vs Strain.” ACS Photonics 3, no. 10 (2016): 1907–11
[LT] Davydok, Anton, Balila Nagamani Jaya, Odile Robach, Olivier Ulrich, Jean-Sébastien Micha, and Christoph Kirchlechner. “Analysis of the Full Stress Tensor in a Micropillar: Ability of and Difficulties Arising during Synchrotron Based ΜLaue Diffraction.” Materials & Design 108 (2016): 68–75
[LT]Gassenq, A., S. Tardif, K. Guilloy, G. Osvaldo Dias, N. Pauc, I. Duchemin, D. Rouchon, et al. “Accurate Strain Measurements in Highly Strained Ge Microbridges.” Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 24 (2016): 241902
[LT] Tardif, S., A. Gassenq, K. Guilloy, N. Pauc, G. Osvaldo Dias, J.-M. Hartmann, J. Widiez, et al. “Lattice Strain and Tilt Mapping in Stressed Ge Microstructures Using X-Ray Laue Micro-Diffraction and Rainbow Filtering.” Journal of Applied Crystallography 49, no. 5 (2016): 1402–11.
[LT] Leclere, C., T. W. Cornelius, Z. Ren, O. Robach, J.-S. Micha, A. Davydok, O. Ulrich, G. Richter, and O. Thomas. “KB Scanning of X-Ray Beam for Laue Microdiffraction on Accelero-Phobic Samples: Application to in Situ Mechanically Loaded Nanowires.” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23, no. 6 (2016): 1395–1400.
[LT]Plancher, E., J. Petit, C. Maurice, V. Favier, L. Saintoyant, D. Loisnard, N. Rupin, et al. “On the Accuracy of Elastic Strain Field Measurements by Laue Microdiffraction and High-Resolution EBSD: A Cross-Validation Experiment.” Experimental Mechanics 56, no. 3 (2016): 483–92
[LT] Auzelle, Thomas, Xavier Biquard, Edith Bellet-Amalric, Zhihua Fang, Hervé Roussel, Ana Cros, and Bruno Daudin. “Unraveling the Strain State of GaN down to Single Nanowires.” Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 22 (2016): 225701
[LT] Deluca, Marco, René Hammer, Jozef Keckes, Jochen Kraft, Franz Schrank, Juraj Todt, Odile Robach, Jean-Sébastien Micha, and Stefan Defregger. “Integrated Experimental and Computational Approach for Residual Stress Investigation near Through-Silicon Vias.” Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 19 (2016): 195104.
[LT] Jeffrey M. Wheeler, Christoph Kirchlechner, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Johann Michler & Daniel Kiener “The effect of size on the strength of FCC metals at elevated temperatures: annealed copper” Philosophical Magazine, 96:32-34, 3379-3395, (2016)
[LT] Vianne, B., S. Escoubas, C. Krauss, M. -I. Richard, S. Labat, G. Chahine, J. -S. Micha, et al. “Temperature Dependency of the Strain Distribution Induced by TSVs in Silicon: A Comparative Study between Micro-Laue and Monochromatic Nano-Diffraction.” Microelectronic Engineering, MAM (Materials for Advanced Metallization) 2015, 156 (2016): 59–64.
[LT] Sanchez, Dario Ferreira, Shay Reboh, Monica Larissa Djomeni Weleguela, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Odile Robach, Thierry Mourier, Patrice Gergaud, and Pierre Bleuet. “In-Situ X-Ray ΜLaue Diffraction Study of Copper through-Silicon Vias.” Microelectronics Reliability 56 (2016): 78–84
[LT]Guilloy, K., A. Gassenq, N. Pauc, J. Maria Escalante Fernandez, I. Duchemin, Y.-Michel Niquet, S. Tardif, et al. “Nonlinear Strain Dependences in Highly Strained Germanium Micromembranes for On-Chip Light Source Applications” In Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits V, 9891:98910X. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016)
[LT] Zabel, T; Marin, E; Geiger, R; Bozon, C; Tardif, S; Guilloy, K; Gassenq, A; Escalante, J; Niquet, YM; Duchemin, ”Highly strained direct bandgap Germanium cavities for a monolithic laser on Si Group IV Photonics (GFP)” 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference 40-41 (2016)
[LT] Gassenq, A; Guilloy, K; Tardif, S; Escalante, J; Niquet, YM; Duchemin, I; Hartmann, JM; Rouchon, D; Widiez, J; Rothman, J “Non-linear bandgap strain dependence in highly strained germanium using strain redistribution in 200 mm GeOI wafers for laser applications” Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference, 104-105 (2016)
[LT] Guilloy, Kevin, Nicolas Pauc, Alban Gassenq, Pascal Gentile, Samuel Tardif, François Rieutord, and Vincent Calvo. “Tensile Strained Germanium Nanowires Measured by Photocurrent Spectroscopy and X-Ray Microdiffraction.” Nano Letters 15, no. 4 (2015): 2429–33
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And Others 2006-2014 to be added