ID24-DCM (Double Crystal Monochromator) is a versatile energy scanning EXAFS beamline with an undulator source. It covers a large energy range (5-45 keV), with high flux on the sample (up to 8 10^13 photons/s) that can be varied and a very high brilliance (up to 3 10^13 photons/s/microns). The a millimeter size X-ray beam (1*1 mm) can be used or it can be focused down to 0.6x0.6 microns FWHM. The time resolution is down to 1s/EXAFS for a single scan and 2s/EXAFS for consecutive scans. The beamline is very versatile and can operate in different modes (from fully focused to unfocused) depending on scientific case, sample heterogeneity and sample radiation hardness. It specifically targets XAS experiments that require time-resolution, extreme conditions and microscopy combined with XES and XRD.
- Physics
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Chemistry
- Materials and Engineering
- Solid state physics
- Geosciences
- Planetary Science
- Catalysis
- Materials science
- Environmental science
- XANES - X-ray absorption near-edge structure
- EXAFS - extended X-ray absorption fine structure
- Microbeam
- XRF - X-ray fluorescence
- XES - X-ray emission spectroscopy
- RIXS - resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
- XRD - X-ray diffraction
Energy range
- 5.0 - 45.0 keV
Beam size
- Minimum (H x V) : 0.6 x 0.6 µm²
- Maximum (H x V) : 1000.0 x 1000.0 µm²
Sample environments
- in situ operando XAS/DRIFTS/MS and XAS/XRD/MS
- gas exchanger system for chemistry
- high-pressure chemistry setup (10 bars, 800 K)
- 5 crystal analyzer (5-22 keV down to 0.5 eV energy resolution)
- optical microscope (micron resolution)
- dynaflow cryostat for 5 mm pellets or 1-inch samples (2K)
- Diamond anvil cell (DAC) (up to multi-Mbar pressures 400 GPa)
- Laser-heated DAC (5000 K, 150 GPa)
- Resistive heated DAC (1500 K, 100 GPa)
- High-pressure cryostat (5 K, 100 GPa)
- Paris Edinburgh Press
- HV Ionization chambers
- Photodiodes and Avalanche Photodiodes (APD)
- Multi element Silicon Drift diodes
- Single element Si SDD XRF detector ( 1mm or 2 mm sensor thickness Parker, Keteck)
- Multi element Si SDD XRF detector (7 element, Vortex-ME7, seven 1 mm thick individual sensors )
- Multi element Si SDD XRF detector (16 element, Ardesia, 1 mm thick monolithic sensor segmented and collimated in 16 individual detectors)
- Single element Ge SDD XRF detector (1mm sensor thickness, shared with ID15a)
- crystals analyzer (5 crystals, 0.5 m radius of Roland circle)
- vonHamos detector (with the laser heated DAC - under commissioning available 2026)
- Pilatus 2M detector
Technical details
Time resolution
- 1s for a single EXAFS (continuous mode)
- 2 s for consecutive EXAFS (continuous mode)
- fast XRF mapping (continuous mode)
Energy Resolution
- 100 eV (total fluoresence yield
- 0.5-5 eV (crystal analyzer and vonHamos spectrometer
- Si(311) double crystal monochromator (ΔE/E = 2.8 x 10-5)
- Si(111) double crystal monochromator (ΔE/E = 1.1 x 10-4)
Energy Stability during energy scans (2 keV)
- 0.002 eV
X-ray beam position stability during energy scans (2 keV)
- 1 micron
For extreme condition setups:
A.D. Rosa, G. Garbarino, J.E. Rodrigues, E. Mijit, ..., K.A. Lomachenko, O Mathon (2024) New opportunities for high pressure X-ray absorption spectroscopy at ID24-DCM and BM23 with the Extremely Brilliant Source of the ESRF High Pressure Research 44 (3), 248-276