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Tuning the selectivity of NH3 oxidation via cooperative electronic interactions between platinum and copper sites
Chen L., Guan X., Fei Z., Asakura H., Zhang L., Wang Z., Su X., Yao Z., Keenan L.L., Hayama S., van Spronsen M.A., Karagoz B., Held G., Allen C.S., Hopkinson D.G., Decarolis D., Callison J., Dyson P.J., Wang F.R.,
Nature Communications 16, 26-1-26-9 (2025)
Revisiting precipitates in Al-Cu-Li alloys: Experiments and first-principles calculations of thermodynamic stability of Al2CuLi(T1) precipitate
Agustianingrum M.P., Verma S.K., Petschke D., Lotter F., Staab T.E.M., Tang S., Cao L., Zulfikar N., Cho H., Listyawan T.A., Kim H., Jung C., Kim S.H., Zargaran A., Kim K.,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 991, 174495-1-174495-10 (2024)
Field-induced magnetic transitions in the highly anisotropic ferrimagnet ErFe5Al7 studied by high-field x-ray magnetic dichroism
Yamamoto S., Gorbunov D.I., Prokhnenko O., Weschke E., Miyata A., Diaz-Ortega I.F., Strohm C., Duc F., Henriques M.S., Gazizulina A., Uhlarz M., Mathon O., Andreev A.V., Nojiri H., Wosnitza J.,
Physical Review B 109, 094404-1-094404-11 (2024)
Determining the proton diffusion coefficient in highly hydrated iridium oxide films by energy dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Achilli E., Minelli S., Casale I., He X., Agostini G., Spinolo G., Ghigna P., Minguzzi A., Vertova A.,
Electrochimica Acta 444, 142017-1-142017-12 (2023)
Tensile microstrain fluctuations in the BaPbO units in superconducting BaPb1−xBixO3 by scanning dispersive micro-XANES
Albertini R., Macis S., Ivanov A.A., Menushenkov A.P., Puri A., Monteseguro V., Joseph B., Xu W., Marcelli A., Giraldo-Gallo P., Fisher I.R., Bianconi A., Campi G.,
Condensed Matter 8, 57-1-57-12 (2023)
Materials under extreme conditions using large X-ray facilities
Pascarelli S, McMahon M., Pépin C., Mathon O., Smith R.F., Mao W.L., Liermann H.P., Loubeyre P.,
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 3, 82-1-82-19 (2023)
Redox dynamics of Pt and Cu nanoparticles on TiO2 during the photocatalytic oxidation of methanol under aerobic and anaerobic conditions studied by in situ modulated excitation X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Chiarello G.L., Bernareggi M., Selli E.,
ACS Catalysis 12, 12879-12889 (2022)
Effect of temperature on the densification of silicate melts to lower Earth's mantle conditions
Krstulovic M., Rosa A.D., Ferreira Sanchez D., Libon L., Albers C., Merkulova M., Grolimund D., Irifune T., Wilke M.,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 323, 106823-1-106823-13 (2022)
Probing the tunability of magnetism with external pressure in metastable Sr2NiIrO6 double perovskite
Laguna-Marco M.A., Arias-Egido E., Cuartero V., Herrero-Albillos J., Kayser P., Alonso J.A., Fabbris G., Haskel D., Irifune T.,
Physical Review B 105, 064421-1-064421-8 (2022)
Speciation in nanosecond laser ablation of zinc in water
Reich S., Klügl Y., Ziefuss A., Streubel R., Göttlicher J., Plech A.,
Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 65, 274205-1-274205-9 (2022)
Martensitic fcc-hcp transformation pathway in solid krypton and xenon and its effect on their equations of state
Rosa A.D., Dewaele A., Garbarino G., Svitlyk V., Morard G., De Angelis F., Krstulovic M., Briggs R., Irifune T., Mathon O., Bouhifd M.A.,
Physical Review B 105, 144103-1-144103-14 (2022)
Towards a dynamic compression facility at the ESRF
Sévelin-Radiguet N., Torchio R., Berruyer G., Gonzalez H., Pasternak S., Perrin F., Occelli F., Pépin C., Sollier A., Kraus D., Schuster A., Voigt K., Zhang M., Amouretti A., Boury A., Fiquet G., Guyot F., Harmand M., Borri M., Groves J., Helsby W., Branly S., Norby J., Pascarelli S., Mathon O.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 167-179 (2022)
Chemical gradients in automotive Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts for NOx removal revealed by operando X-ray spectrotomography
Becher J., Ferreira Sanchez D., Doronkin D.E., Zengel D., Motta Meira D., Pascarelli S., Grunwaldt J.D., Sheppard T.L.,
Nature Catalysis 4, 46-53 (2021)
Sample environment for operando hard X-ray tomography-an enabling technology for multimodal characterization in heterogeneous catalysis
Becher J., Weber S., Ferreira Sanchez D., Doronkin D.E., Garrevoet J., Falkenberg G., Motta Meira D., Pascarelli S., Grunwaldt J.D., Sheppard T.L.,
Catalysts 11, 459-1-459-18 (2021)
Role of the charge correlations in the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity
Bialo I.
From: AGH Univesity of Science and Technology, (Krakow, Poland) - Technische Universität Wien, Austria, (PhD Thesis),
Prototyping experience with Ge micro-strip sensors for EDXAS experiments
Borri M., Cohen C., Groves J., Helsby W., Mathon O., McNicholl L., Pascarelli S., Sévelin-Radiguet N., Torchio R., Zuvic M.,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1017, 165800-1-165800-9 (2021)
Chemical stability of FeOOH at high pressure and temperature, and oxygen recycling in early Earth history
Koemets E., Fedotenko T., Khandarkhaeva S., Bykov M., Bykova E., Thielmann M., Chariton S., Aprilis G., Koemets I., Glazyrin K., Liermann H.P., Hanfland M., Ohtani E., Dubrovinskaia N., McCammon C., Dubrovinsky L.,
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 3048-3053 (2021)
Revealing the complex nature of bonding in the binary high-pressure compound FeO2
Koemets E., Leonov I., Bykov M., Bykova E., Chariton S., Aprilis G., Fedotenko T., Clément S., Rouquette J., Haines J., Cerantola V., Glazyrin K., McCammon C., Prakapenka V.B., Hanfland M., Liermann H.P., Svitlyk V., Torchio R., Rosa A.D., Irifune T., Ponomareva A.V., Abrikosov I.A., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Physical Review Letters 126, 106001-1-106001-7 (2021)
Local structure of network formers and network modifiers in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature conditions
Krstulovic M.
From: Universität Potsdam, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Discovery of an allosteric ligand binding site in SMYD3 lysine methyltransferase
Talibov V.O., Fabini E., FitzGerald E.A., Tedesco D., Cederfeldt D., Talu M.J., Rachman M.M., Mihalic F., Manoni E., Naldi M., Sanese P., Forte G., Lepore Signorile M., Barril X., Simone C., Bartolini M., Dobritzsch D., Del Rio A., Danielson U.H.,
ChemBioChem 22, 1597-1608 (2021)
Activation of C–H bonds by a nonheme iron(iv)–oxo complex: Mechanistic evidence through a coupled EDXAS/UV-Vis multivariate analysis
Tavani F., Capocasa G., Martini A., Sessa F., Di Stefano S., Lanzalunga O., D'Angelo P.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 1188-1196 (2021)
Direct structural and mechanistic insights into fast bimolecular chemical reactions in solution through a coupled XAS/UV–Vis multivariate statistical analysis
Tavani F., Capocasa G., Martini A., Sessa F., Di Stefano S., Lanzalunga O., D'Angelo P.,
Dalton Transactions 50, 131-142 (2021)
Hampered PdO redox dynamics by water suppresses lean methane oxidation over realistic palladium catalysts
Velin P., Hemmingsson F., Schaefer A., Skoglundh M., Lomachenko K.A., Raj A., Thompsett D., Smedler G., Carlsson P.A.,
ChemCatChem 13, 3765-3771 (2021)
Chemical tuning of samarium valence in mixed valence (Sm1x-Ca )2.75C60 fullerides
Yoshikane N., Nakagawa T., Matsui K., Yamaoka H., Hiraoka N., Ishii H., Arvanitidis J., Prassides K.,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 150, 109822-1-109822-6 (2021)
Pulsed laser heating in the diamond anvil cell : Applications in geo- and material sciences
Aprilis G.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Melting properties by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Common signatures in binary Fe-C, Fe-O, Fe-S and Fe-Si systems
Boccato S., Torchio R., Anzellini S., Boulard E., Guyot F., Irifune T., Harmand M., Kantor I., Miozzi F., Parisiades P., Rosa A.D., Antonangeli D., Morard G.,
Scientific Reports 10, 11663-1-11663-13 (2020)
4f spin driven ferroelectric-ferromagnetic multiferroicity in PrMn2O5 under a magnetic field
Chattopadhyay S., Balédent V., Panda S.K., Yamamoto S., Duc F., Herrmannsdörfer T., Uhlarz M., Gottschall T., Mathon O., Wang Z., Strohm C., Greenblatt M., Foury-Leylekian P., Wosnitza J.,
Physical Review B 102, 094408-1-094408-8 (2020)
The crystal chemistry of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides at extreme conditions : Implications for the deep Earth's oxygen cycle.
Koemets E.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Magnetism of Ir5+-based double perovskites: Unraveling its nature and the influence of structure
Laguna-Marco M.A., Arias-Egido E., Piquer C., Cuartero V., Hernández-López L., Kayser P., Alonso J.A., Barker J.A.T., Fabbris G., Escanhoela Jr C.A., Irifune T.,
Physical Review B 101, 014449-1-014449-11 (2020)
High-pressure structural and electronic properties of CuMO2 (M = Cr, Mn) delafossite-type oxides
Levy D., Greenberg E., Layek S., Pasternak M.P., Kantor I., Pascarelli S., Marini C., Konôpková Z., Rozenberg G.K.,
Physical Review B 101, 245121-1-245121-10 (2020)
Spurenelemente in Al-Cu(-Mg)-Legierungen - in-situ Untersuchungen zum Einfluss konservierter Leerstellen
Lotter F.
From: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany (PhD Thesis),
High-pressure X-ray absorption and diffraction study of the self-doped superconductor EuFBiS2
Paris E., Joseph B., Marini C., Terashima K., Wakita T., Yokoya T., Mizuguchi Y., Mizokawa T., Saini N.L.,
Physical Review B 101, 214526-1-214526-6 (2020)
White-line evolution in shocked solid Ta evidenced by synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Pépin C.M., Torchio R., Occelli F., Lescoute E., Mathon O., Recoules V., Bouchet J., Videau L., Benuzzi-Mounaix A., Vinci T., Briggs R., Pascarelli S., Gaál R., Loubeyre P., Sollier A.,
Physical Review B 102, 144102-1-144102-8 (2020)
In situ speciation and spatial mapping of Zn products during pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL) by combined synchrotron methods
Reich S., Göttlicher J., Ziefuss A., Streubel R., Letzel A., Menzel A., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Baumbach T., Zuber M., Gökce B., Barcikowski S., Plech A.,
Nanoscale 12, 14011-14020 (2020)
Krypton storage capacity of the Earth's lower mantle
Rosa A.D., Bouhifd M.A., Morard G., Briggs R., Garbarino G., Irifune T., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 532, 116032-1-116032-11 (2020)
Nano-polycrystalline diamond anvils: Key devices for XAS at extreme conditions: Their use, scientific impact, present status and future needs
Rosa A.D., Mathon O., Torchio R., Jacobs J., Pasternak S., Irifune T., Pascarelli S.,
High Pressure Research 40, 65-81 (2020)
Experimental and theoretical evidence of the temperature-induced wurtzite to rocksalt phase transition in GaN under high pressure
Sadovyi B., Wierzbowska M., Stelmakh S., Boccato S., Gierlotka S., Porowski S., Grzegory I.,
Physical Review B 102, 235109-1-235109-9 (2020)
Direct mechanistic evidence for a nonheme complex reaction through a multivariate XAS analysis
Tavani F., Martini A., Capocasa G., Di Stefano S., Lanzalunga O., D'Angelo P.,
Inorganic Chemistry 59, 9979-9989 (2020)
Melting curve and phase relations of Fe-Ni alloys: Implications for the Earth's core composition
Torchio R., Boccato S., Miozzi F., Rosa A.D., Ishimatsu N., Kantor I., Sévelin-Radiguet N., Briggs R., Meneghini C., Irifune T., Morard G.,
Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL088169-1-e2020GL088169-7 (2020)
Spectroscopic investigation of palladium catalysts during wet methane oxidation
Velin P.
From: Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden (PhD Thesis),
Comparative study of the influence of pulsed and continuous wave laser heating on the mobilization of carbon and its chemical reaction with iron in a diamond anvil cell
Aprilis G., Kantor I., Kupenko I., Cerantola V., Pakhomova A., Collings I.E., Torchio R., Fedotenko T., Chariton S., Bykov M., Bykova E., Koemets E., Vasiukov D.M., McCammon C., Dubrovinsky L., Dubrovinskaia N.,
Journal of Applied Physics 125, 095901-1-095901-13 (2019)
Compression of liquid Ni and Co under extreme conditions explored by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Boccato S., Torchio R., D'Angelo P., Trapananti A., Kantor I., Recoules V., Anzellini S., Morard G., Irifune T., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 100, 180101-1-180101-6 (2019)
Ferrous iron under oxygen-rich conditions in the deep mantle
Boulard E., Harmand M., Guyot F., Lelong G., Morard G., Cabaret D., Boccato S., Rosa A.D., Briggs R., Pascarelli S., Fiquet G.,
Geophysical Research Letters 46, 1348-1356 (2019)
Coupled X-ray absorption/UV–vis monitoring of fast oxidation reactions involving a nonheme iron–oxo complex
Capocasa G., Sessa F., Tavani F., Monte M., Olivo G., Pascarelli S., Lanzalunga O., Di Stefano S.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141, 2299-2304 (2019)
Experimental investigation of FeCO3 (siderite) stability in Earth's lower mantle using XANES spectroscopy
Cerantola V., Wilke M., Kantor I., Ismailova L., Kupenko I., McCammon C., Pascarelli S., Dubrovinsky L.S.,
American Mineralogist 104, 1083-1091 (2019)
Morphology‐engineered highly active and stable Ru/TiO2 catalysts for selective CO methanation
Chen S., Abdel-Mageed A.M., Li D., Bansmann J., Cisneros S., Biskupek J., Huang W., Behm R.J.,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, 10732-10736 (2019)
Improving synchrotron methods for advanced characterisation of heterogeneous catalysts
Dann E.K.
From: University College London, UK (PhD Thesis),
Electronic origins of the giant volume collapse in the pyrite mineral MnS2
Durkee D., Smith D., Torchio R., Petitgirard S., Briggs R., Kantor I., Evans S.R., Chatterji T., Irifune T., Pascarelli S., Lawler K.V., Salamat A., Kimber S.A.J.,
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 269, 540-546 (2019)
Unveiling the biochemistry of the epigenetic regulator SMYD3
Fabini E., Talibov V.O., Mihalic F., Naldi M., Bartolini M., Bertucci C., Del Rio A., Danielson U.H.,
Biochemistry 58, 3634-3645 (2019)
Microscopic nature of the first-order field-induced phase transition in the strongly anisotropic ferrimagnet HoFe5Al7
Gorbunov D.I., Strohm C., Henriques M.S., van der Linden P., Pedersen B., Mushnikov N.V., Rosenfeld E.V., Petrícek V., Mathon O., Wosnitza J., Andreev A.V.,
Physical Review Letters 122, 127205-1-127205-6 (2019)
Copper catalyzed sun fuel generation by CO2 and H2O reduction
Kreft S.
From: Universität Rostock, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Dye activation of heterogeneous copper(II)-species for visible light driven hydrogen generation
Kreft S., Radnik J., Rabeah J., Agostini G., Pohl M.M., Gericke E., Hoell A., Beller M., Junge H., Wohlrab S.,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44, 28409-28420 (2019)
A XANES and EPMA study of Fe3+ in chlorite: Importance of oxychlorite and implications for cation site distribution and thermobarometry
Masci L., Dubacq B., Verlaguet A., Chopin C., De Andrade V., Herviou C.,
American Mineralogist 104, 403-417 (2019)
New nitrides: From high pressure-high temperature synthesis to layered nanomaterials and energy applications
McMillan P.F.,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377, 20180244-1-20180244-15 (2019)
A flexible cell for in situ combined XAS–DRIFTS–MS experiments
Meira D.M., Monte M., Fernández-García M., Meunier F., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Agostini G.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 801-810 (2019)
Revisiting the crystal structure of the equilibrium S (Al2CuMg) phase in Al–Cu–Mg alloys using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAFS)
Petschke D., Lotter F., Staab T.E.M.,
Materialia 6, 100341-1-100341-5 (2019)
Simultaneous observation of the Er- and Fe-sublattice magnetization of ferrimagnetic Er3Fe5O12 in high magnetic fields using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Er L2,3 edges
Strohm C., van der Linden P., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review Letters 122, 127204-1-127204-5 (2019)
Improving the quality of XAFS data
Abe H., Aquilanti G., Boada R., Bunker B., Glatzel P., Nachtegaal M., Pascarelli S.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25, 972-980 (2018)
XAS/DRIFTS/MS spectroscopy for time-resolved operando investigations at high temperature
Agostini G., Meira D., Monte M., Vitoux H., Iglesias-Juez A., Fernández-García M., Mathon O., Meunier F., Berruyer G., Perrin F., Pasternak S., Mairs T., Pascarelli S., Gorges B.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25, 1745-1752 (2018)
Large oxygen excess in the primitive mantle could be the source of the Great Oxygenation Event
Andrault D., Muñoz M., Pesce G., Cerantola V., Chumakov A., Kantor I., Pascarelli S., Rüffer R., Hennet L.,
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 6, 5-10 (2018)
Micro-scale real-time wear dynamics investigated by synchroton radiation
Belin M., Martin J.M., Schou J., Rasmussen I.L., Feidenhans'l R., Straasø T., Mikkelsen N. J.,
In: "Advanced Analytical Methods in Tribology" Dienwiebel M. (Eds.) de barros Bouchet M.I. (Eds.) (Springer, 2018) pp. 237-243
High-pressure insulator-to-metal transition in Sr3Ir2O7 studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Donnerer C., Moretti Sala M., Pascarelli S., Rosa A.D., Andreev S.N., Mazurenko V.V., Irifune T., Hunter E.C., Perry R.S., McMorrow D.F.,
Physical Review B 97, 035106-1-035106-7 (2018)
Open ocean vs. continentally-derived iron cycles along the Neoarchean Campbellrand-Malmani carbonate platform, South Africa
Eroglu S., Schoenberg R., Pascarelli S., Beukes N.J., Kleinhanns I.C., Swanner E.D.,
American Journal of Science 318, 367-408 (2018)
Effect of different promoter precursors in a model Ru-Cs/graphite system on the catalytic selectivity for Fischer-Tropsch reaction
Eslava J.L., Iglesias-Juez A., Fernández-García M., Guerrero-Ruiz A., Rodríguez-Ramos I.,
Applied Surface Science 447, 307-314 (2018)
Measurement of temperature in the laser heated diamond anvil cell: Comparison between reflective and refractive optics
Giampaoli R., Kantor I., Mezouar M., Boccato S., Rosa A.D., Torchio R., Garbarino G., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
High Pressure Research 38, 250-269 (2018)
Pressure-induced disruption of the local environment of Fe-Fe dimers in FeGa3 accompanied by metallization
Hearne G.R., Bhattacharjee S., Doyle B.P., Ahmed M.A.M., Musyimi P., Carleschi E., Joseph B.,
Physical Review B 98, 020101-1-020101-5 (2018)
A finite-element approach to dynamical diffraction problems in reflection geometry
Honkanen A.P., Ferrero C., Guigay J.P., Mocella V.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, 514-525 (2018)
A laser heating facility for energy-dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Kantor I., Marini C., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 013111-1-013111-13 (2018)
Structure–function relationship during CO2 methanation over Rh/Al2O3 and Rh/SiO2 catalysts under atmospheric pressure conditions
Martin N.M., Hemmingsson F., Wang X., Merte L.R., Hejral U., Gustafson J., Skoglundh M., Motta Meira D., Dippel A.C., Gutowski O., Bauer M., Carlsson P.A.,
Catalysis Science & Technology 8, 2686-2696 (2018)
Dynamics of oxide growth on Pt nanoparticles electrodes in the presence of competing halides by operando energy dispersive X-Ray absorption spectroscopy
Minguzzi A., Montagna L., Falqui A., Vertova A., Rondinini S., Ghigna P.,
Electrochimica Acta 270, 378-386 (2018)
Solving controversies on the iron phase diagram under high pressure
Morard G., Boccato S., Rosa A.D., Anzellini S., Miozzi F., Henry L., Garbarino G., Mezouar M., Harmand M., Guyot F., Boulard E., Kantor I., Irifune T., Torchio R.,
Geophysical Research Letters 45, 11074-11082 (2018)
Oxygen step-response experiments for methane oxidation over Pd/Al 2 O 3 : An in situ XAFS study
Nilsson J., Carlsson P.A., Martin N.M., Velin P., Motta Meira D., Grönbeck H., Skoglundh M.,
Catalysis Communications 109, 24-27 (2018)
Time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy on Al–Cu alloys – from solute copper to stable precipitates
Petschke D., Lotter F., Bläss E., Staab T.E.M.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, 1339-1351 (2018)
Effect of the fcc-hcp martensitic transition on the equation of state of solid krypton up to 140 GPa
Rosa A.D., Garbarino G., Briggs R., Svitlyk V., Morard G., Bouhifd M.A., Jacobs J., Irifune T., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 97, 094115-1-094115-9 (2018)
Mechanism of electrocatalytic and photo-electrocatalytic reactions by in operando x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Achilli E.
From: Università degli studi di Pavia, Italy (PhD Thesis),
Structure and stability of a copper(II) lactate complex in alkaline solution: A case study by energy-dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Achilli E., Vertova A., Visibile A., Locatelli C., Minguzzi A., Rondinini S., Ghigna P.,
Inorganic Chemistry 56, 6982-6989 (2017)
Experimental and first-principles calculation study of the pressure-induced transitions to a metastable phase in GaPO4 and in the solid solution AlPO4−GaPO4
Angot E., Huang B., Levelut C., Le Parc R., Hermet P., Pereira A.S., Aquilanti G., Frapper G., Cambon O., Haines J.,
Physical Review Materials 1, 033607-1-033607-10 (2017)
Transient structural and catalytic behaviour of Pt-particles probed by operando spectroscopy during a realistic driving cycle
Benzi F., Sheppard T.L., Doronkin D.E., Meira D.M., Gänzler A.M., Baier S., Grunwaldt J.D.,
Catalysis Science & Technology 7, 3999-4006 (2017)
Etude de la structure locale des métaux 3d liquides en conditions extrêmes de pression et température (Local structure of liquid 3d metals under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature)
Boccato S.
From: Université Grenoble Alpes, France (PhD Thesis),
The melting curve of nickel up to 100 GPa explored by XAS
Boccato S., Torchio R., Kantor I., Morard G., Anzellini S., Giampaoli R., Briggs R., Smareglia A., Irifune T., Pascarelli S.,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122, 9921-9930 (2017)
Atomic and electronic structure of hydride and carbide phases in palladium nanoparticles
Bugaev A.L.
From: Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (PhD Thesis),
Nanoscale distribution of magnetic anisotropies in bimagnetic soft core-hard shell MnFe2O4@CoFe2O4 nanoparticles
Daffé N., Sikora M., Rovezzi M., Bouldi N., Gavrilov V., Neveu S., Choueikani F., Ohresser P., Dupuis V., Taverna D., Gloter A., Arrio M.A., Sainctavit P., Juhin A.,
Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1700599-1-1700599-9 (2017)
X-ray studies of magnetic and structural transitions in iridates
Donnerer C.
From: University College London, UK (PhD Thesis),
Fischer-tropsch synthesis over carbon-supported Ru-based catalysts
Eslava Castillo J.L.
From: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (PhD Thesis),
2D/3D microanalysis by energy dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy tomography
Ferreira Sanchez D., Simionovici A.S., Lemelle L., Cuartero V., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Bonnin A., Shapiro R., Konhauser K., Grolimund D., Bleuet P.,
Scientific Reports 7, 16453-1-16453-12 (2017)
Understanding the role of oxygen surface groups: The key for a smart ruthenium-based carbon-supported heterogeneous catalyst design and synthesis
García-García F.R., Gallegos-Suarez E., Fernández-García M., Guerrero-Ruiz A., Rodríguez-Ramos I.,
Applied Catalysis A: General 544, 66-76 (2017)
Localization and speciation of iron impurities within a fluid catalytic cracking catalyst
Ihli J., Ferreira Sanchez D., Jacob R.R., Cuartero V., Mathon O., Krumeich F., Borca C., Huthwelker T., Cheng W.C., Shu Y.Y., Pascarelli S., Grolimund D., Menzel A., van Bokhoven J.A.,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56, 14031-14035 (2017)
Experimental evidence of an electronic transition in CeP under pressure using Ce L3 XAS
Joseph B., Torchio R., Benndorf C., Irifune T., Shinmei T., Pöttgen R., Zerr A.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 17526-17530 (2017)
Time-resolved, in situ DRIFTS/EDE/MS studies on alumina supported Rh catalysts: Effects of ceriation on the Rh catalysts in the process of CO oxidation
Kroner A.B., Newton M.A., Tromp M., Russell A.E., Dent A.J., Evans J.,
Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity 3, 13-23 (2017)
Increasing the sensitivity to short-lived species in a modulated excitation experiment
Marchionni V., Ferri D., Kröcher O., Wokaun A.,
Analytical Chemistry 89, 5801-5809 (2017)
Local structure investigation of β-Ni(OH)2 under pressure using combined Raman and Ni K-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure studies
Marini C., Joseph B., Caramazza S., Capitani F., Bendele M., Kantor I., Lotti P., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Postorino P.,
High Pressure Research 37, 1-10 (2017)
Study of methane oxidation over alumina supported Pd–Pt catalysts using operando DRIFTS/MS and in situ XAS techniques
Martin N.M., Nilsson J., Skoglundh M., Adams E.C., Wang X., Smedler G., Raj A., Thompsett D., Agostini G., Carlson S., Norén K., Carlsson P.A.,
Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity 3, 24-32 (2017)
Methodology for in situ synchrotron X-ray studies in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
Mezouar M., Giampaoli R., Garbarino G., Kantor I., Dewaele A., Weck G., Boccato S., Svitlyk V., Rosa A.D., Torchio R., Mathon O., Hignette O., Bauchau S.,
High Pressure Research 37, 170-180 (2017)
First principles calculations of palladium nanoparticle XANES Spectra
Nilsson J., Carlsson P.A., Grönbeck H., Skoglundh M.,
Topics in Catalysis 60, 283–288 (2017)
Methane oxidation over Pd/Al2O3 under rich/lean cycling followed by operando XAFS and modulation excitation spectroscopy
Nilsson J., Carlsson P.A., Martin N.M., Adams E.C., Agostini G., Grönbeck H., Skoglundh M.,
Journal of Catalysis 356, 237-245 (2017)
Following a chemical reaction on the millisecond time scale by simultaneous X-ray and UV/Vis spectroscopy
Olivo G., Barbieri A., Dantignana V., Sessa F., Migliorati V., Monte M., Pascarelli S., Narayanan T., Lanzalunga O., Di Stefano S., D'Angelo P.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, 2958-2963 (2017)
Understanding interlayer interaction in layered superconducting materials
Paris E.
From: University of Rome, Italy (PhD Thesis),
Energy dispersive XAS
Pascarelli S., Mathon O.,
In: "XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces" Iwasawa Y. (Eds.) Asakura K. (Eds.) Tada M. (Eds.) (Springer, 2017) pp. 109-125
Design and characterization of Cu2O photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting
Visibile A.
From: Università degli studi di Milano, Italy (PhD Thesis),
Protective radiolucent aluminium oxide coatings for beryllium X-ray optics
Yurkevich O., Maksimova K., Goikhman A., Grunin A., Prokopovich P., Tyurin A., Medvedskaya P., Lyatun I., Snigireva I., Snigirev A.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24, 775-780 (2017)
Thermal decomposition of ammonium hexachloroosmate
Asanova T.I., Kantor I., Asanov I.P., Korenev S.V., Yusenko K.V.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 33134-33141 (2016)
Revisiting pressure-induced phase transition in silicon clathrates using Ge substitution
Blancon J.C., Machon D., Pischedda V., Debord R., Toulemonde P., Le Floch S., Pascarelli S., Mélinon P., San-Miguel A.,
Physical Review B 93, 134103-1-134103-10 (2016)
Magnetic signatures of serpentinization at ophiolite complexes
Bonnemains D., Carlut J., Escartin J., Mével C., Andreani M., Debret B.,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17, 2969-2986 (2016)
Watching kinetic studies as chemical maps using open-source software
Cotte M., Fabris T., Agostini G., Motta Meira D., De Viguerie L., Solé V.A.,
Analytical Chemistry 88, 6154-6160 (2016)
The α → ω phase transformation in zirconium followed with ms-scale time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Dewaele A., André R., Occelli F., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Irifune T., Loubeyre P.,
High Pressure Research 36, 237-249 (2016)
Time-resolved XAS investigation of the local environment and evolution of oxidation states of a Fischer-Tropsch Ru-Cs/C catalyst
Eslava J.L., Iglesias-Juez A., Agostini G., Fernández-García M., Guerrero-Ruiz A., Rodríguez-Ramos I.,
ACS Catalysis 6, 1437-1445 (2016)
PrestoPronto: A code devoted to handling large data sets
Figueroa S., Prestipino C.,
Journal of Physics : Conference Series 712, 012012-1-012012-4 (2016)
An experimental study of the system FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 at high pressures and temperatures : Garnet, perovskite and post-perovskite phases
Ismailova L.
From: University of Bayreuth, Germany (PhD Thesis),
Operando XAS study of the influence of CO and NO on methane oxidation by Pd/Al2O3
Marchionni V., Nachtegaal M., Petrov A., Kröcher O., Ferri D.,
Journal of Physics : Conference Series 712, 012051-1-01251-4 (2016)
Characterization of surface structure and oxidation/reduction behavior of Pd–Pt/Al2O3 model catalysts
Martin N.M., Nilsson J., Skoglundh M., Adams E.C., Wang X., Velin P., Smedler G., Raj A., Thompsett D., Brongersma H.H., Grehl T., Agostini G., Mathon O., Carlson S., Norén K., Martínez-Casado F.J., Matej Z., Balmes O., Carlsson P.A.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 28009-28020 (2016)
Time-resolved XAS using an energy dispersive spectrometer: Techniques and applications
Mathon O., Kantor I., Pascarelli S.,
In: "X-Ray absorption and X-Ray emission spectroscopy: Theory and applications" (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016) pp. 185-212
High pressure dynamic XAS studies using an energy-dispersive spectrometer
Mathon O., Occelli F., Lescoute E., Sollier A., Loubeyre P., Helsby W., Headspith J., Torchio R., Kantor I., Pascarelli S.,
High Pressure Research 36, 404-418 (2016)
Pressure dependence of the local structure of iridium ditelluride across the structural phase transition
Paris E., Joseph B., Iadecola A., Marini C., Ishii H., Kudo K., Pascarelli S., Nohara M., Mizokawa T., Saini N.L.,
Physical Review B 93, 134109-1-134109-6 (2016)
The Time-resolved and Extreme-conditions XAS (TEXAS) facility at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: The energy-dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy beamline ID24
Pascarelli S., Mathon O., Mairs T., Kantor I., Agostini G., Strohm C., Pasternak S., Perrin F., Berruyer G., Chappelet P., Clavel C., Domínguez M.C.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23, 353-368 (2016)
Magnetic interactions in NiO at ultrahigh pressure
Potapkin V., Dubrovinsky L., Sergueev I., Ekholm M., Kantor I., Bessas D., Bykova E., Prakapenka V., Hermann R.P., Rüffer R., Cerantola V., Jönsson H.J.M., Olovsson W., Mankovsky S., Ebert H., Abrikosov I.A.,
Physical Review B 93, 201110-1-201110-5 (2016)
The dynamics of pseudocapacitive phenomena studied by Energy Dispersive X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy on hydrous iridium oxide electrodes in alkaline media
Rondinini S., Minguzzi A., Achilli E., Locatelli C., Agostini G., Pascarelli S., Spinolo G., Vertova A., Ghigna P.,
Electrochimica Acta 212, 247-253 (2016)
Local structure and spin transition in Fe2O3 hematite at high pressure
Sanson A., Kantor I., Cerantola V., Irifune T., Carnera A., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 94, 014112-1-014112-7 (2016)
Probing the local, electronic and magnetic structure of matter under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure
Torchio R., Boccato S., Cerantola V., Morard G., Irifune T., Kantor I.,
High Pressure Research 36, 293-302 (2016)
Structure and magnetism of cobalt at high pressure and low temperature
Torchio R., Marini C., Kvashnin Y.O., Kantor I., Mathon O., Garbarino G., Meneghini C., Anzellini S., Occelli F., Bruno P., Dewaele A., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 94, 024429-1-024429-7 (2016)
Probing local and electronic structure in Warm Dense Matter: Single pulse synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy on shocked Fe
Torchio R., Occelli F., Mathon O., Sollier A., Lescoute E., Videau L., Vinci T., Benuzzi-Mounaix A., Headspith J., Helsby W., Bland S., Eakins D., Chapman D., Pascarelli S., Loubeyre P.,
Scientific Reports 6, 26402-1-26402-8 (2016)
Melting of iron determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy to 100 GPa
Aquilanti G., Trapananti A., Karandikar A., Kantor I., Marini C., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Boehler R.,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112, 12042-12045 (2015)
Dynamic structure elucidation of chemical reactivity by laser pulses and X-ray probes
Bartlett S.A., Hamilton M.L., Evans J.,
Dalton Transactions 44, 6313-6319 (2015)
High-pressure spectroscopic study of siderite (FeCO3) with a focus on spin crossover
Cerantola V., McCammon C., Kupenko I., Kantor I., Marini C., Wilke M., Ismailova L., Solopova N., Chumakov A., Pascarelli S., Dubrovinsky L.,
American Mineralogist 100, 2670-2681 (2015)
High-pressure synthesis of skiagite-majorite garnet and investigation of its crystal structure
Ismailova L., Bobrov A., Bykov M., Bykova E., Cerantola V., Kantor I., Kupenko I., McCammon C., Dyadkin V., Chernyshov D., Pascarelli S., Chumakov A., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
American Mineralogist 100, 2650-2654 (2015)
Chemistry of supported palladium nanoparticles during methane oxidation
Nilsson J., Carlsson P.A., Fouladvand S., Martin N.M., Gustafson J., Newton M.A., Lundgren E., Grönbeck H., Skoglundh M.,
ACS Catalysis 5, 2481-2489 (2015)
In situ dispersive EXAFS in electrocatalysis: The investigation of the local structure of IrOx in chronoamperometric conditions as a case study
Achilli E., Minguzzi A., Lugaresi O., Locatelli C., Rondinini S., Spinolo G., Ghigna P.,
Journal of Spectroscopy 2014, ID 480102-1-ID 480102-7 (2014)
Phase diagram of iron under extreme conditions measured with time-resolved methods
Anzellini S.
From: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France (PhD thesis),
Effect of pressure-driven local structural rearrangement on the superconducting properties of FeSe0.5Te0.5
Bendele M., Guguchia Z., von Rohr F., Irifune T., Shinmei T., Kantor I., Pascarelli S., Joseph B., Marini C.,
Physical Review B 90, 174505-1-174505-5 (2014)
Retrieving past geodynamic events by unlocking rock archives with μ-XRF and μ-spectroscopy
De Andrade V., Ganne J., Dubacq B., Ryan C.G., Bourdelle F., Plunder A., Falkenberg G., Thieme J.,
Journal of Physics : Conference Series 499, 012012-1-012012-13 (2014)
What drives spontaneous oscillations during CO oxidation using O2 over supported Rh/Al2O3 catalysts?
Figueroa S.J.A., Newton M.A.,
Journal of Catalysis 312, 69-77 (2014)
A new detector for sub-millisecond EXAFS spectroscopy at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Kantor I., Labiche J.C., Collet E., Siron L., Thevenin J.J., Ponchut C., Borrel J., Mairs T., Marini C., Strohm C., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21, 1240-1246 (2014)
Time-resolved, in situ DRIFTS/EDE/MS studies on alumina-supported rhodium catalysts: Effects of ceriation and zirconiation on rhodium-CO interactions
Kroner A.B., Newton M.A., Tromp M., Roscioni O.M., Russell A.E., Dent A.J., Prestipino C., Evans J.,
ChemPhysChem 15, 3049-3059 (2014)
Electronic states of RFe2O4 (R=Lu,Yb,Tm,Y) mixed-valence compounds determined by soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
Lafuerza S., García J., Subías G., Blasco J., Herrero-Martín J., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 90, 245137-1-245137-13 (2014)
A modulated excitation ED-EXAFS/DRIFTS study of hydrothermal ageing of Rh/Al2O3
Marchionni V., Newton M.A., Kambolis A., Matam S.K., Weidenkaff A., Ferri D.,
Catalysis Today 229, 80-87 (2014)
Probing the electronic and local structural changes across the pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transition in VO2
Marini C., Bendele M., Joseph B., Kantor I., Mitrano M., Mathon O., Baldini M., Malavasi L., Pascarelli S., Postorino P.,
Europhysics Letters 108, 36003-1-36003-5 (2014)
A microsecond time resolved x-ray absorption near edge structure synchrotron study of phase transitions in Fe undergoing ramp heating at high pressure
Marini C., Occelli F., Mathon O., Torchio R., Recoules V., Pascarelli S., Loubeyre P.,
Journal of Applied Physics 115, 093513-1-093513-4 (2014)
Time resolved and Extreme conditions X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: TEXAS
Pascarelli S., Mathon O., Kantor I., Marini C., Strohm C., Mairs T., Pasternak S., Perrin F.,
Notiziario Neutroni 19, 9-15 (2014)
The Mott insulators at extreme conditions; structural consequences of pressure-induced electronic transitions
Rozenberg G.K., Xu W., Pasternak M.P.,
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 229, 210-222 (2014)
XAS and XMCD spectroscopies to study matter at high pressure: Probing the correlation between structure and magnetism in the 3d metals
Torchio R., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 277-278, 80-94 (2014)
High pressure polymorphism of β-TaON
Woodhead K., Pascarelli S., Hector A.L., Briggs R., Alderman N., McMillan P.F.,
Dalton Transactions 43, 9647-9654 (2014)
Science under extreme conditions of pressures and temperatures at the ESRF
Andrault D., Antonangeli D., Dmitriev V., Filinchuk Y., Hanfland M., Hazemann M., Krisch M., Mayanovic R., Mezouar M., Monaco G., Pascarelli S., Rüffer R., Testemale D., Torchio R.,
Synchrotron Radiation News 26, 39-44 (2013)
µXANES study of iron redox state in serpentine during oceanic serpentinization
Andreani M., Muñoz M., Marcaillou C., Delacour A.,
Lithos 178, 70-83 (2013)
Interplay of electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in A1-xFe2-ySe2 superconductors under pressure
Bendele M., Marini C., Joseph B., Pierantozzi G.M., Caporale A.S., Bianconi A., Pomjakushina E., Conder K., Krzton-Maziopa A., Irifune T., Shinmei T., Pascarelli S., Dore P., Saini N.L., Postorino P.,
Physical Review B 88, 180506-1-180506-5 (2013)
Dispersive x-ray absorption studies at the Fe K-edge on the iron chalcogenide superconductor FeSe under pressure
Bendele M., Marini C., Joseph B., Simonelli L., Dore P., Pascarelli S., Chikovani M., Pomjakushina E., Conder K., Saini N.L., Postorino P.,
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25, 425704-1-425704-5 (2013)
Reactivity of surface species in heterogeneous catalysts probed by in situ X-ray absorption techniques
Bordiga S., Groppo E., Agostini G., van Bokhoven J.A., Lamberti C.,
Chemical Reviews 113, 1736-1850 (2013)
Synchrotron high energy X-ray methods coupled to phase sensitive analysis to characterize aging of solid catalysts with enhanced sensitivity
Ferri D., Newton M.A., Di Michiel M., Yoon S., Chiarello G.L., Marchionni V., Matam S.K., Aguirre M.H., Weidenkaff A., Wen F., Gieshoff J.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 8629-8639 (2013)
Innovative insights in a plug flow microreactor for operando X-ray studies
Figueroa S.J.A., Gibson D., Mairs T., Pasternak S., Newton M.A., Di Michiel M., Andrieux J., Christoforidis K.C., Iglesias-Juez A., Fernández-García M., Prestipino C.,
Journal of Applied Crystallography 46, 1523-1527 (2013)
Following the evolution of Ru/activated carbon catalysts during the decomposition-reduction of the Ru(NO)(NO3)3 precursor
García-García F.R., Fernández-García M., Newton M.A., Rodríguez-Ramos I., Guerrero-Ruiz A.,
ChemCatChem 5, 2446-2452 (2013)
Pressure-induced amorphization of zinc orthophosphate - Insight in the zinc coordination by XAS
Gauvin M., Minfray C., Belin M., Aquilanti G., Martin J.M., Dassenoy F.,
Tribology International 67, 222-228 (2013)
Bent perfect crystals as X-ray focusing polychromators in symmetric Laue geometry
Guigay J.P., Ferrero C., Bhattacharyya D., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
Acta Crystallographica A 69, 91-97 (2013)
Time-resolved combined XAS and UV-Vis applied to the study of the cerium catalysed BZ reaction
Hagelstein M., Liu T., Mangold S., Bauer M.,
Journal of Physics : Conference Series 430, 012123-1-012123-4 (2013)
Influence of the Ce-Zr promoter on Pd behaviour under dynamic CO/NO cycling conditions: A structural and chemical approach
Kubacka A., Iglesias-Juez A., Di Michiel M., Newton M.A., Fernández-García M.,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 8640-8647 (2013)
Ab initio study of ferromagnetic transition metals and alloys under high pressure
Kvashnin Y.O.
From: Université de Grenoble, France PhD Thesis,
Pressure-induced bcc to hcp transition in Fe: Magnetism-driven structure transformation
Mankovsky S., Polesya S., Ebert H., Bensch W., Mathon O., Pascarelli S., Minár J.,
Physical Review B 88, 184108-1-184108-8 (2013)
On-line laser heating setup for ED-XAS at ID24: Preliminary optical design and test results
Marini C., Kantor I., Mathon O., Pascarelli S.,
High Pressure Research 33, 108-113 (2013)
Time resolved operando spectroscopic study of the origin of phosphorus induced chemical aging of model three-way catalysts Pd/Al2O3
Matam S.K., Newton M.A., Weidenkaff A., Ferri D.,
Catalysis Today 205, 3-9 (2013)
Energy-dispersive EXAFS: Principles and application in heterogeneous catalysis
Newton M.A., Dent A.J.,
In: "In-situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts" Rodriguez J.A. (Eds.) Hanson J.C. (Eds.) Chupas P.J. (Eds.) (Wiley, 2013) pp. 75-119
Combining infrared spectroscopy with X-ray techniques for interrogating heterogeneous catalysts
Newton M.A., Fernández-García M.,
In: "In-situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts" Rodriguez J.A. (Eds.) Hanson J.C. (Eds.) Chupas P.J. (Eds.) (Wiley, 2013) pp. 369-409
Operando synchronous DRIFTS/MS/XAS as a powerful tool for guiding the design of Pd catalysts for the selective oxidation of alcohols
Parlett C.M.A., Gaskell C.V., Naughton J.N., Newton M.A., Wilson K., Lee A.F.,
Catalysis Today 205, 76-85 (2013)
Pressure stimulated charge crossover in iron oxides and hydroxide
Pasternak M.P.,
Hyperfine Interactions 222, S99-S114 (2013)
XRD and XAS structural study of CuAlO2 under high pressure
Pellicer-Porres J., Segura A., Ferrer-Roca C., Polian A., Munsch P., Kim D.G.,
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25, 115406-1-115406-10 (2013)
Investigation of pressure-induced magnetic transitions in CoxFe3-xO4 spinels
Subías G., Cuartero V., García J., Blasco J., Lafuerza S., Pascarelli S., Mathon O., Strohm C., Nagai K., Mito M., Garbarino G.,
Physical Review B 87, 094408-1-094408-9 (2013)
Pressure-induced structural and magnetic phase transitions in ordered and disordered equiatomic FeCo
Torchio R., Kvashnin Y.O., Marini C., Mathon O., Garbarino G., Mezouar M., Wright J.P., Bruno P., Genovese L., Baudelet F., Meneghini C., Mobilio S., Morley N.A., Gibbs M.R.J., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 88, 184412-1-184412-8 (2013)
Energy dispersive XAFS: Characterization of electronically excited states of copper(I) complexes
Tromp M., Dent A.J., Headspith J., Easun T.L., Sun X.Z., George M.W., Mathon O., Smolentsev G., Hamilton M.L., Evans J.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117, 7381-7387 (2013)
Insights from X-ray absorption/fluorescence spectroscopy and ab-initio molecular dynamics on concentration and complexation of Zr and Hf in aqueous fluids at high pressure and temperature
Wilke M., Jahn S., Schmidt C., Dubrail J., Appel K., Borchert M., Kvashnina K., Pascarelli S., Manning C.E.,
Journal of Physics : Conference Series 430, 012122-1-012122-4 (2013)
High pressure polymorphism of tantalum ntrides and oxynitrides
Woodhead K.
From: University College London, Dept of Chemistry, UK (PhD thesis),
Speciation of Pd(OAc)2 in ligandless Suzuki-Miyaura reactions
Adrio L.A., Nguyen B.N., Guilera G., Livingston A.G., Hii K.K.,
Catalysis Science & Technology 2, 316-323 (2012)
Ferric iron and water incorporation in wadsleyite under hydrous and oxidizing conditions: A XANES, Mössbauer, and SIMS study
Bolfan-Casanova N., Muñoz M., McCammon C., Deloule E., Férot A., Demouchy S., France L., Andrault D., Pascarelli S.,
American Mineralogist 97, 1483-1493 (2012)
Determination of the magnetostrictive atomic environments in FeCoB alloys
Díaz J., Quirós C., Álvarez-Prado L.M., Aroca C., Ranchal R., Ruffoni M., Pascarelli S.,
Physical Review B 85, 134437-1-134437-15 (2012)
Redox-controlled crotyl alcohol selective oxidation: In situ oxidation and reduction dynamics of catalytic Pd nanoparticles via synchronous XANES/MS
Gaskell C.V., Parlett C.M.A., Newton M.A., Wilson K., Lee A.F.,
ACS Catalysis 2, 2242-2246 (2012)
Doped-CuCl2/Al2O3 catalysts for ethylene oxychlorination: Influence of additives on the nature of active phase and reducibility
Gianolio D., Muddada N.B., Olsbye U., Lamberti C.,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 284, 53-57 (2012)
Surface and bulk approach to time-resolved characterization of heterogeneous catalysts
Kubacka A., Iglesias-Juez A., Martínez-Arias A., Di Michiel M., Newton M.A., Fernández-García M.,
ChemCatChem 4, 725-737 (2012)
IR and X-ray time-resolved simultaneous experiments: An opportunity to investigate the dynamics of complex systems and non-equilibrium phenomena using third-generation synchrotron radiation sources
Marcelli A., Innocenzi P., Malfatti L., Newton M.A., Rau J.V., Ritter E., Schade U., Xu W.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19, 892-904 (2012)
Monitoring synchrotron X-ray-induced radiolysis effects on metal (Fe, W) ions in high-temperature aqueous fluids
Mayanovic R.A., Anderson A.J., Dharmagunawardhane H.A.N., Pascarelli S., Aquilanti G.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19, 797-805 (2012)
The influence of dopants on Copper chloride catalysts for ethylene oxychlorination reaction
Muddada N.B.
From: University of Osla, Norway (PhD Thesis),
Observing oxygen storage and release at work during cycling redox conditions: Synergies between noble metal and oxide promoter
Newton M.A., Di Michiel M., Kubacka A., Iglesias-Juez A., Fernández-García M.,
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51, 2363-2367 (2012)
Mechanisms of reactions in the solid state: (110) Al2O3 + (001) ZnO interfacial reaction
Pin S., Newton M.A., d'Acapito F., Zema M., Tarantino S.C., Spinolo G., de Souza R.A., Martin M., Ghigna P.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 980-986 (2012)
Element-selective magnetometry in ferrimagnetic erbium iron garnet
Strohm C., Roth T., Detlefs C., van der Linden P., Mathon O.,
Physical Review B 86, 214421-1-214421-5 (2012)
Magnétisme structure et ordre chimique dans les métaux 3D et leur alliages à très hautes pressions -
Torchio R.
From: Université de Grenoble, France (Ph-D Thesis),
High-pressure EXAFS measurements of crystalline Ge using nanocrystalline diamond anvils
Baldini M., Yang W., Aquilanti G., Zhang L., Ding Y., Pascarelli S., Mao W.L.,
Physical Review B 84, 014111-1-014111-5 (2011)
In situ spectroscopic investigation of low-temperature oxidation of methane over alumina-supported platinum during periodic operation
Becker E., Carlsson P.A., Kylhammar L., Newton M.A., Skoglundh M.,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 944-951 (2011)
Recent progress in insertion devices at the ESRF
Chavanne J., Le Bec G., Penel C., Revol F.,
, ()
Modulation excitation X-ray absorption spectroscopy to probe surface species on heterogeneous catalysts
Ferri D., Newton M.A., Nachtegaal M.,
Topics in Catalysis 54, 1070-1078 (2011)
Synchrotron radiation in solid state chemistry
Ghigna P., Pin S., Spinolo G., Newton M.A., Tarantino S.C., Zema M.,
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 80, 1109-1111 (2011)
Iron in oxides, silicates and alloys under extreme pressure-temperature conditions
Glazyrin K.
From: Universität Bayreuth, Germany (PhD thesis),
Characterization and dynamic behavior of precious metals in automotive exhaust gas purification catalysts
Hirata H., Kishita K., Nagai Y., Dohmae K., Shinjoh H., Matsumoto S.,
Catalysis Today 164, 467-473 (2011)
Nanoparticulate Pd supported catalysts: Size-dependent formation of Pd(I)/Pd(0) and their role in CO elimination
Iglesias-Juez A., Kubacka A., Fernández-García M., Di Michiel M., Newton M.A.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 4484-4489 (2011)
Experimental studies of ceria and alumina supported platinum - Regenerable sulfur traps and methane oxidation catalysts
Kylhammar L.
From: Chalmers University of Technology, Göteberg, Sweden (PhD Thesis),
Reaction-driven surface restructuring and selectivity control in allylic alcohol catalytic aerobic oxidation over Pd
Lee A.F., Ellis C.V., Naughton J.N., Newton M.A., Parlett C.M.A., Wilson K.,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 5724-5727 (2011)
In-situ X-ray studies of clean catalytic technologies
Lee A.F., Ellis C.V., Newton M.A., Parlett C.M., Wilson K.,
MRS Proceedings 1351, mrss11-1351-ff16-05 (2011)
X-ray diffraction and imaging with a coherent beam : x-ray diffraction and imaging with a coherent beam : application to X-Ray optical elements and crystal exhibiting phase inhomogeneities
Masiello F.
From: Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France (PhD Thesis),
In situ observation of platinum sintering on ceria-based oxide for autoexhaust catalysts using Turbo-XAS
Nagai Y., Dohmae K., Ikeda Y., Takagi N., Hara N., Tanabe T., Guilera G., Pascarelli S., Newton M.A., Takahashi N., Shinjoh H., Matsumoto S.,
Catalysis Today 175, 133-140 (2011)
Chemically homogeneous spin transition zone in Earth's lower mantle
Narygina O., Dubrovinsky L.S., Samuel H., McCammon C.A., Kantor I.Y., Glazyrin K., Pascarelli S., Aquilanti G., Prakapenka V.B.,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 185, 107-111 (2011)
Multi-frame acquisition scheme for efficient energy-dispersive X-ray magnetic circular dichroism in pulsed high magnetic fields at the Fe K-edge
Strohm C., Perrin F., Domínguez M.C., Headspith J., van der Linden P., Mathon O.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 18, 224-228 (2011)
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements in Ni up to 200 GPa: Resistant ferromagnetism
Torchio R., Kvashnin Y.O., Pascarelli S., Mathon O., Marini C., Genovese L., Bruno P., Garbarino G., Dewaele A., Occelli F., Loubeyre P.,
Physical Review Letters 107, 237202-1-237202-5 (2011)