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Towards a dynamic compression facility at the ESRF

Sévelin-Radiguet N., Torchio R., Berruyer G., Gonzalez H., Pasternak S., Perrin F., Occelli F., Pépin C., Sollier A., Kraus D., Schuster A., Voigt K., Zhang M., Amouretti A., Boury A., Fiquet G., Guyot F., Harmand M., Borri M., Groves J., Helsby W., Branly S., Norby J., Pascarelli S., Mathon O.,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 167-179 (2022)

Revealing the complex nature of bonding in the binary high-pressure compound FeO2

Koemets E., Leonov I., Bykov M., Bykova E., Chariton S., Aprilis G., Fedotenko T., Clément S., Rouquette J., Haines J., Cerantola V., Glazyrin K., McCammon C., Prakapenka V.B., Hanfland M., Liermann H.P., Svitlyk V., Torchio R., Rosa A.D., Irifune T., Ponomareva A.V., Abrikosov I.A., Dubrovinskaia N., Dubrovinsky L.,
Physical Review Letters 126, 106001-1-106001-7 (2021)

Energy dispersive XAS

Pascarelli S., Mathon O.,
In: "XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces" Iwasawa Y. (Eds.) Asakura K. (Eds.) Tada M. (Eds.) (Springer, 2017) pp. 109-125

Magnetic interactions in NiO at ultrahigh pressure

Potapkin V., Dubrovinsky L., Sergueev I., Ekholm M., Kantor I., Bessas D., Bykova E., Prakapenka V., Hermann R.P., Rüffer R., Cerantola V., Jönsson H.J.M., Olovsson W., Mankovsky S., Ebert H., Abrikosov I.A.,
Physical Review B 93, 201110-1-201110-5 (2016)