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In-house research
In-house research runs in parallel to beamline operation, helping us to develop and refine techniques while investigating diverse scientific areas. Staff within the group have research projects in several areas.
ID06 (Large Volume Press)
- Synthesis and characterisation of new frustrated S = 1/2 Kagome hydroxychlorides
- Synthesis and characterisation of new noble metal perovskite-like materials via their hydroxide precursors
- Deformation studies of Earth materials
- Development of ultrasonic interferometry and application to study of mantle phases
ID15B (High Pressure Diffraction)
- Simple metals at extreme pressures
- Structural changes at spin transitions
- Structural studies of low-dimensional organic conductors at high pressures
ID18 (Nuclear Resonance)
- Glass dynamics
- Magnetic, electric, and dynamic properties of new materials and nanotechnology (mainly extreme conditions, including ultrahigh-vacuum environments)
- Geoscience, i.e., extreme conditions (high pressure and high temperature)
- Development of X-ray optics and fast detector systems
ID24/BM23 (XAS and ED EXAFS)
- Heterogeoneous catalysis for the energy sector
- In situ/operando time resolved studies of chemical and catalytic processes coupling X-ray absorption with infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry
- Development of new experimental methodologies for coupling vibrational spectroscopies with transmission X-ray methods (XAFS, diffraction)
- Development of new methods for interrogating ultra fast chemical proceses in catalysis (photocatalysis/laser heating) permitting synchronous XAFS/IR a time scales to a few tens of nanoseconds
- Interplay between magnetism, local structure and electronic structure at very high magnetic fields (> 30 T)
- Interplay between magnetism, local structure and electronic structure in compressed matter (> 100 GPa)
- Studies of the local and electronic structure in solid and molten matter at extreme pressures and temperatures using double sided laser heating (T > 3000 K, P > 100 GPa)
- Kinetics of chemical reactions at extreme conditions down to the millisecond timescale
- Two dimensional mapping with micron resolution within the diamond anvil cell
- Local structural characterization for advanced materials
- Differential XAS studies of local atomic displacements in piezoelectricity, magnetostriction, electrostriction, etc.
ID27 (High Pressure)
- Low T and HP structural studies of Fe based superconductors using X-ray diffraction (XRD)
- Structure and dynamics of simple molecular liquids at high pressure
- Density, viscosity and structure of liquids at high pressure using XRD
- Study of fluid-mineral interfaces at high pressure using coupled XRD and X-ray fluorescence
- In-situ low-Z materials chemistry in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Structre/property relationships in responsive materials under pressure