MASSIF-1 is a world leading unique facility for the high throughput, fully automatic characterisation and data collection of macromolecular crystals. The service is not designed to replace user visits to the synchrotron, but rather to do the hard work of screening crystals or collecting routine data sets through the night, freeing researchers to spend more time on challenging data collection problems and study the underlying biology. MASSIF-1 is an autonomous intelligent system taking numerous decisions during the characterisation process to get the best possible data from user samples.

!!!!! Please note that the beamline is compatible with uni-pucks ONLY !!!!!

** New Pseudo-helical data collection strategies for both native and SAD data collection are now available, see   **

NEW! Applications now invited for completely automated high throughput fragment screening funded by iNEXT, see for details. The service combines CrystalDirect robotic soaking and mounting of crystals developed at the EMBL, Grenoble with the fully automatic characterisation and data collection platform at the ESRF to form the worlds first fully automated fragment screening pipeline.