Before you come to the ESRF please read the "Prepare Your Experiment" pages. Once here the "Run Your Experiment" pages will help you along the way and if you get into any difficulties the "Trouble Shooting" pages should have the answers.
Tunable |
ID23-1 is a fully tunable beamline capable of MAD measurements from 6 to 20 keV energy (2.07 Å to 0.62 Å)
ID30B is a high intensity, variable focus beamline (20 to 200 micron in diameter) and tunable for measurements in the energy range of 6 – 20 keV (2.1 – 0.62 Å).
From 05/2023 ID30B is run in unattended automatic data collection mode during weekends.
Microfocus |
ID23-2 is a fixed energy (14.20 keV, 0.873 Å) and has a beam focused to around 5 microns in diameter.
Station MASSIF-3 is fixed energy (12,9keV, 0.961Å) with a beamsize around 15 microns.
Fully automated |
Station MASSIF-1 is a fully automated macromolecular crystallography beamline at a fixed energy station of 12.8keV.
ID29 is the new Serial Crystallography Beamline for Time Resolved and Room temperature structure determination
Bio-SAXS |
BM29 is our bio-SAXS beamline and is a tunable energy station between 7 and 15keV for the study of proteins in solution.
CryoEM |
CM01 is a cryo-electron microscope for protein structure determination by single-particle imaging.