man command help information on a known command
mkdir sub-directory create sub-directory bellow current directory
chmod 777 directory allow write access to everybody
cd sub-directory move from current directory to sub-directory
cd .. move from current directory to directory above
pwd print working directory (where you are)
who who is on the same machine with me
whoami who I am (i.e. as who I am logg in)
setenv DISPLAY computer-name:0 display definition
xhost + allow host graphical window on your physical working computer
hostname current working computer
emacs file-name &
xemacs file-name
edit a file using "emacs" or "xemacs" editor
& means in another window
nedit file-name & edit a file using "nedit" editor
& means in another window
cat file-name quick list the contents of a file
more file-name controlled listing of the contents of a file
rm file-name delete a file in current directory
\rm -rf directory-name delete directory and its contain (be careful, no undo…!)
mv old-name new-name change file name or directory name
lpstat -a list of all accessible printers
lpstat printer state of a given printer
setenv LPDEST printer-name printer definition
lp file-name print text file on a printer
cancel printer-Nºof job cancellation of a job on a printer
(Nº of job obtained from lpstat printer command)
ps –ef  list of running processes on a computer (with its PID numbers)
kill PID stop running an unwanted process
ls simple catalogue of current directory
ll full information on normal files in current directory
ll | lp print result of 'll' command
ll > list.txt write result of 'll' command in a text file
find . -name 'file-name' find file-name in every sub-directories from current directory
diff file1 file2 print differences between two files
du –k disk use: list of directories/files and theirs sizes
df –k occupied space (in %) on a computer/disk
ghostview program displaying
ImageJ program displaying images (i.e. file.edf)
ftp program to transfer files
nslookup computer-name give computer IP address
nslookup computer-IPaddress give computer name
ping computer-name test network
td staff-name phone and office staff list
exit logging out