To rescale a volume in 8 bits


The procedure consists in estimated minimum and maximum values (min will correspond to 0 and max to 255) and to perform a linear rescaling using the command:

On GANYMEDES PC workstation:


Open an other xterm window (right button click and click on 'Xterm')

ganymedes:~ % ssh -X mdxxx@coral
coral15% cd id19/volfloat
coral15% mrecad min max *.vol

To help to find minimum and maximum, you can use a matlab macro called: minmaxcal_new
coral15% cd id19/volfloat
coral15% matlab
>> minmaxcal_new('volume_filename_prefix',1,8)

This macro will calculate min and max at 0.2% of saturation for every 100 slices from subvolume 1 to subvolume 8.
Median values will be calculated from all these slices and the program will propose to run automatically mrecad using these median values on a coral machine.