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By applying for and accepting beam time at the ESRF you accept to properly acknowledge ESRF data in your publications. According to the ESRF data policy you must therefore cite the DOIs of the data in all publications referring to this data, even if the data remains under embargo at the moment of your publication. You'll find below a few tips to help you with it.

  • Find your DOI - ESRF DOI names are available via  the ESRF data portal ( and via the User Portal for a given session. To find out what is the DOI for your experimental session you need to have done an experiment as part of a proposal or in-house research at one of the beamlines implementing the Data Policy, login to the data portal with your user credentials and go to the session of your proposal. You can equally go to the ESRF DOI portal ( to list or search all DOIs published by the ESRF so far. More details can be found on the Data Portal webpage.


  • Generate a new DOI - If a session contains data which is not related to your publication then a bespoke DOI for only the data to cite in a publication can be requested. More details can be found on the Data Portal webpage and on the how-to video.


  • Cite your DOI - following the format recommended on the landing page.


Check out the DOI - CONCEPTS for any questions concerning DOIs at the ESRF or contact