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Harald MÜLLER – Lab responsible

Harald graduated from the Technical University of Munich (Diplom-Chemiker (Univ.)). For his PhD thesis “Organic Metals based on Sulphur Heterocyles” he joined the Walther-Meißner-Institute for Low Temperature Research. From 1992 to 1993 he was researcher at the Basic High Technology Labs of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Osaka, Japan. 1994 he was recruited at the ESRF to establish the Chemistry Laboratory.

His research interests include the (in)organic advanced materials, physicochemical characterisation methods and local minerals and mineralogy.

In his free time, Harald enjoys outdoor activities which are centered around fossils, minerals and the mining history of Belledonne, Oisans, Beaujolais areas as well as of his native Northern Bavaria. 


Léa BOURCET – Chemical technician

After studying organic chemistry and graduating from Strasbourg University, Léa worked in pharmaceutical research and then in the electrolyte additives field. She joined the ESRF Chemistry laboratory in 2017. She works daily in the laboratory, syntheses compounds, prepares samples and analyzes. She will be happy to welcome you to the Chemistry laboratory and give you all support required for your experimental session at ESRF. When she's not taking care of the laboratories, Léa spends her time exploring the Grenoble area with her family.