Presentations and Invited Speakers


**15:50 Session begins - ILL, Room 427, 4th floor

WELCOME and Opening Remarks (10mn)

Pedro Matias

I.T.Q.B., Oeiras, Portugal 


"The Crystal Structure of CDP-ME Kinase: a Target for the Development of Novel Antimicrobial Drugs (talk: 15mn + questions: 5mn)

Linda Miallau

University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

ESRF, Grenoble, France


"Recent progress on the D. radiodurans strcutural genomics project"
(talk: 15mn + questions: 5mn)

Joanna Timmins

ESRF, Grenoble, France


"Automation: Latest Developments and Future Prospects at the ESRF MX Beam-lines" (talk: 15mn + questions: 5mn)

Xavier Thibault

ESRF, Grenoble, France


Discussion on Long Term Strategy at ESRF (50mn)

Stephen Cusack

EMBL, Grenoble, France


** 17:50 Session ends