Dates Wednesday 8 February 2017, 09:00 - 16:00
Venue ESRF Auditorium
Scientific Organisers

UOC Organisers:
Marco Salluzzo, CNR-SPIN, Napoli, IT

ESRF Organisers:
Kurt Kummer

Keynote Speakers

Wei-Sheng Lee, SLAC, Stanford University, (USA)

Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Politecnico di Milano, (IT)

Krzysztof Wohfeld, University of Warsaw, PL

Des McMorrow, University College London, UK

Administrative Assistant Claudine Romero



Aim & Scope

The technical advances over the last decades allowed the development of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) into an important tool for studying the electronic and magnetic structure and collective excitations of complex materials. Examples of outstanding results are the observation of collective magnetic excitations in cuprates and iridates, and the identification of a charge density wave in high critical temperature superconductors.

As part of the ESRF upgrade phase I, two new beamlines for resonant x-ray scattering with high-energy resolution have been installed at the ESRF: ID20 covering the hard X-ray range and ID32 working in the soft X-ray range. Both instruments are among the most performing in the field. The scientific aim of the UDM1 micro-symposium is twofold: promoting the cutting edge science on transition metal and rare earth compounds performed by the ESRF user community on ID20 and ID32, and identifying new applications of resonant x-ray scattering that exploit the unique capabilities of high resolution soft and hard X-ray RIXS at the ESRF. We will take the opportunity to bring together expert and non-expert users working on the physics of novel materials taking advantage of the new opportunities in high-resolution RIXS.

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