Workshop Coherence at ESRF-EBS
This EBS workshop dedicated to the exploitation of the coherence of the imminent EBS source, "Coherence at ESRF-EBS", took place on 9th - 13th September.
More than 100 participants, including students, post-docs, academic and facility scientists and the founders of some of the coherent X-ray techniques got together to discuss a myriad of scientific opportunities enabled by the new source. The programme comprised 14 sessions, 48 scientific presentations, 32 posters and 4 beamline status reports from ID01, ID10CS, ID13 and ID16A with corresponding round table discussions.
In a friendly atmosphere the participants could exchange their vision and ideas on hot scientific questions, recent technical developments and challenges. In the last session the scientific director Jean Susini presented the EBSL1 project (a new long beamline for coherence applications), which was followed by a round table discussion.
The workshop was well received by all participants and was a great success. The scientific community expressed a strong interest and excitement in the development of both existing and emerging coherent scattering methods and their increasing availability.